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  • Caracterização das lesões numa equipa do futebol profissional português
    Publication . Martins, Francisco; Santos, Francisco; Caldeira, Romualdo; Henriques, Ricardo; França, Cíntia; Ornelas, Rui; Gouveia, Élvio Rúbio
    O futebol profissional caracteriza-se pelas suas exigências físicas, fazendo com que a exposição dos jogadores a riscos elevados de lesão seja uma problemática em ascensão. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar as lesões de uma equipa profissional de futebol ao longo de uma época. Trinta e seis atletas do sexo masculino, enquadrados na 1.ª Liga Portuguesa de Futebol, foram acompanhados ao longo da época desportiva 2020/2021. Caracterizou-se uma lesão desportiva como a incapacidade demonstrada pelo atleta, devido a um momento de treino ou jogo, que exigiu intervenção médica ou interrupção parcial ou total da sua atividade desportiva. No total, 34 lesões foram registadas. Cada jogador falhou em média 14.3 dias devido a lesão. As lesões mais recorrentes foram as entorses (35.3%) e as lesões musculares (35.3%), sendo os membros inferiores a zona do corpo mais afetada (85.29%). As lesões ocorreram maioritariamente em treino (58.8%) e as de jogo registaram-se sobretudo nos últimos 15 minutos (57.14%). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo vêm auxiliar o staff técnico das equipas profissionais de futebol na identificação de fatores de risco associados às lesões no futebol profissional. O estudo desta temática é fundamental para a otimização dos protocolos de prevenção e de recuperação de lesões.
  • Association between Body Composition, Physical Activity Profile, and Occurrence of Knee and Foot Postural Alterations among Young Healthy Adults
    Publication . Ashraf, Sadaf; Viveiros, Roberto; França, Cíntia; Ornelas, Rui Trindade; Rodrigues, Ana
    Knee and foot deformities refer to structural abnormalities in the knee and foot bones, joints, ligaments, or muscles. Various factors, including genetics, injury, disease, or excessive use, can cause these deformities. These musculoskeletal conditions can significantly impact individuals’ quality of life. This study examined foot and knee deformities in 231 young healthy adults (165 men, 66 women) aged 22.6 ± 4.9 years and their association with physical activity and body composition. The postural assessment was performed by two Physiotherapists, with the subject standing in three views: side, anterior, and posterior. Physical activity (Baecke’s Habitual Physical Activity Questionnaire) and body composition (InBody 770) were assessed. Results showed that the most common foot deformity was pes planus, while the genu recurvatum was the most common knee deformity among the individuals. Physical activity level was negatively associated with knee and foot deformities. Conversely, body composition differed with the presence of genu recurvatum. These findings present a starting point to understand the occurrence of knee and foot postural alterations according to the individuals’ body composition and physical activity profiles, which could support the deployment of tailored interventions among healthy adults. In addition, early detection of postural changes is crucial in mitigating their negative long-term impact on physical well-being.
  • Sports Injuries of a Portuguese Professional Football Team during Three Consecutive Seasons
    Publication . Martins, Francisco; França, Cíntia; Marques, Adilson; Iglésias, Beatriz; Sarmento, Hugo; Henriques, Ricardo; Ihle, Andreas; Lopes, Helder; Ornelas, Rui T.; Gouveia, Élvio Rúbio
    Professional football players are exposed to high injury risk due to the physical demands of this sport. The purpose of this study was to characterize the injuries of a professional football team in the First Portuguese League over three consecutive sports seasons. Seventy-one male professional football players in the First Portuguese Football League were followed throughout the sports seasons of 2019/2020, 2020/2021, and 2021/2022. In total, 84 injuries were recorded. Each player missed an average of 16.6 days per injury. Lower limbs were massively affected by injuries across all three seasons, mainly with muscular injuries in the quadriceps and hamstrings and sprains in the tibiotarsal structure. Overall, the injury incidence was considerably higher in matches than in training. The two times of the season that proved most conducive to injuries were the months of July and January. Our results emphasize the importance of monitoring sports performance, including injury occurrence, and assisting in identifying risk factors in professional football. Designing individualized training programs and optimizing prevention and recovery protocols are crucial for maximizing this global process.