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- The role of attachment in the choice of tourist destination of emigrants: a preliminary studyPublication . Sousa, Bruno; Santos, Rossana; Azevedo, Diana
- Return migration and tourism sustainability in Portugal: extracting opportunities for sustainable common planning in southern EuropePublication . Santos, Rossana; Castanho, Rui Alexandre; Lousada, SérgioThis study contributes to the knowledge of decision-makers on how tourism, small and medium-sized enterprises, return migration, and cooperation strategies can contribute to growth and sustainable development in rural areas. More specifically, it uses the Portuguese case to answer the following question: can the expectations and perceptions of emigrants provide directions for sustainabletourismdevelopmentandcommonplanninginordertocontributetoruraldevelopment? The results obtained in a study developed in Portugal, through the application of a questionnaire survey of 5157 Portuguese emigrants, confirm the validity of this question. It is concluded that there are the emigrants at an active age (29–39 years old) and with a house in a rural area that have a greater propensity of returning, investing, and gaining employment in the area of tourism in Portugal, and they also have more training and professional experience in this area. Similarly, considering the experiences and migratory characteristics of these emigrants, it is argued that there is a strong probability that the return of emigrants from Southern European countries will contribute to the development of tourism in the rural areas of these countries. Besides, the study enablestheidentificationofrecommendationsanddirectionsforsustainablecommonplanninginthe political–strategic, financial–economic, resource sustainability, and sociocultural fields.
- Opportunities for Slow Tourism in MadeiraPublication . Valls, Josep-Francesc; Mota, Luís; Vieira, Sara Cristina Freitas; Santos, RossanaThe slow tourism movement is gaining popularity as more destinations focus on the local environment and heritage experience. The approach to slow tourism usually occurs either when traditional destinations exhaust their life cycle with an evident reduction in sustainability, or when newly emerging destinations decide to develop in this way. The case of Madeira is different; the island has several decades of tourism development without excessive pressure or overcrowding, and in planning for the future it wants to sustain these conditions. Seeking to understand Madeira’s perception of the development model, we surveyed entrepreneurs in Madeira’s lodging, restaurant and bar, shopping, transportation, intermediation, and tourist activity industries, as well as its public sector. Even without having encountered the popularized the ideas of slow tourism, Madeira’s tourism entrepreneurs show significant alignment with the values of quieter tourism. In contrast to its mature counterparts (i.e., Europe’s other popular sun and beach destinations), for Madeira it is not a question of destroying or rehabilitating, but rather of continuing sustainable development processes. Our results suggest that although slow tourism is typically a reaction to a very advanced phase of the life cycle, it can be the result of an endogenous impulse, as is true for Madeira.
- A língua portuguesa e o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas rurais da CPLPPublication . Santos, Rossana AndreiaO objetivo desta comunicação consiste em argumentar que a existência de um património cultural lusófono pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas rurais dos Estados membros da CPLP. Este argumento assenta no pressuposto de que as atividades turísticas podem constituir-se um motor da atividade económica em geral, ajudando à redução das assimetrias de desenvolvimento existentes, fenómeno que atinge Portugal e os restantes Estados da CPLP. Os resultados de um estudo realizado em Portugal revelam que a exploração turística do património cultural lusófono pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas rurais. Neste sentido, a relação do património cultural da língua portuguesa, com o investimento direto no estrangeiro e os fluxos migratórios permite argumentar também pelo seu contributo para o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas mais carenciadas da CPLP.
- Social Carrying Capacity in Island Destinations: Interpreting Visitors’ Opinions in Madeira IslandPublication . Mota, Luís; Franco, Mara; Santos, RossanaSocial carrying capacity is an additional dimension of tourism carrying capacity. This paper aims to provide further understanding beyond physi cal values describing carrying capacity for a touristic site on an island destination, namely, the Laurisilva of Madeira. This UNESCO site is the major tourist attraction on the island. The component of social carrying capac ity was added to assess satisfaction levels registered in 481 completed questionnaires and find relevant factors reflecting social values and enjoyment while visiting the site. Nonparametric tests were performed to study the relationship between sociodemographic variables and satisfaction measurements. Statistically, cleanliness and natural conditions, trail amenities, trail conditions, envi ronmental conditions, and pollution levels were the five dimensions relevant to gauging satisfaction related to visiting the natural heritage site. Social carrying capacity showed an average satisfaction of 71%, but mean scores concluded visitors to be only slightly satisfied and differ ences in satisfaction levels regarding the education level of respondents. These are essential dimensions for good site management and for planning management actions for the island destination. This method of analysis is fea sible for site management and is complementary to the corresponding physical thresholds.
- “Casas de sonhos” dos emigrantes portugueses e o desenvolvimento do turismo culturalPublication . Santos, RossanaEste artigo pretende demonstrar, através da análise de um conjunto de estudos de caso selecionados e um estudo empírico realizado com 5157 inquiridos, que os emigrantes portugueses da década de 60 têm uma identidade cultural que é refletida na (auto)construção de “casas de sonhos” no seu local de origem (ou áreas rurais). Estas residências, fundadas em biografias, são frequentemente designadas na literatura de “casas de sonho” dos emigrantes portugueses pelo seu significado simbólico relacionado com o desejo de pertença ao local de origem e afirmação da melhoria da condição económico-social. Muitas destas “casas de sonho”, constituem um importante património cultural que pode vir a ser ativado, preservado e explorado para o desenvolvimento do turismo cultural nas áreas rurais em Portugal.
- Island tourism carrying capacity in the UNESCO Site Laurisilva of MadeiraPublication . Mota, Luís; Franco, Mara; Santos, RossanaThe Laurisilva of Madeira is an important natural resource as well as a location for nature-based tourism and recreational activities. Despite UNESCO’s concerns and recommendations for assessing tourism capacity, the local population is perceived as overusing this resource; yet precisely how many tourists visit its most popular areas remains unknown. Tourism carrying capacity (TCC) was assessed on two Rabaçal trails using a specific formulation relating physical aspects to environmental correction factors. Tourism carrying capacity was found to be below theoretical limits, and trail access was not restricted despite being a major concern in natural resource management.