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- Acceptance model in designing for extreme users: extreme athletes using activity trackersPublication . Sol, Ricardo; Baras, Karolina‘Extreme Users’ (EU) is a design method in Human Computer Interaction, which allows user-centered design in design groups. ‘Acceptance Models’ is a theory in Information Systems, which models how users accept and use technology. We conducted a study to explore the relationships of the factors influencing Extreme Athletes in the acceptance and use of Activity Trackers (AT). The data was collected from a cross-sectional survey conducted using a self-selected convenience sample of 206. The research rendered an exploration and an examination of the factors affecting trail-running athletes. The results were analyzed using several statistical techniques including Structural Equation Analysis. Our goal was to observe to what extent the Health Information Technology Acceptance Model patterns and outlines EU use of AT. This contribution, to the best of our knowledge, is new given that the obtained model can be an initial quantitative working primary tool for designers using the EU design method.