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  • Emotion understanding, social competence and school achievement in children from primary school in Portugal
    Publication . Franco, Maria da Glória; Beja, Maria J.; Candeias, Adelinda; Santos, Natalie
    This study analyzes the relationship between emotion understanding and school achievement in children of primary school, considering age, gender, fluid intelligence, mother's educational level and social competence. In this study participated 406 children of primary school. The instruments used were the Test of Emotion Comprehension, Colored Progressive Matrices of Raven, Socially Action and Interpersonal Problem Solving Scale. The structural equation model showed the relationship between the emotion understanding and school performance depends on a mediator variable that in the context of the study was designated social competence. Age appear as an explanatory factor of the differences found, the mother's educational level only predicts significantly social emotional competence, fluid intelligence is a predictor of emotion understanding, school achievement and social emotional competence. Regarding the influence of sex, emotional understanding does not emerge as a significant predictor of social emotional competence in girls or boys. Multiple relationships between the various factors associated with school achievement and social emotional competence are discussed as well as their implications in promoting child development and school success.
  • Ageing perception in seniors’ formal caregivers
    Publication . Beja, Maria João; Franco, G.; Sousa, J. M.; Candeias, A. A.; Aveiro, S.
    This paper explores the ageing perception of a group of seniors’ caregiver workers, particularly those who have direct contact with the elderly while performing their tasks. Therefore, we analyze the variables that influence this perception and the ones that can be good predictors. One hundred and forty-eight individuals took part in this study (a hundred and thirty- five females and twelve males) with ages between twentyone and sixty-five years old. It was applied the Portuguese versions of the tests Ageing Perception Questionnaire, the Self-Concept Scale (TSCS:2) and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results showed that the ageing perception is more negative as age advances. On the other hand, individuals with higher education, training in the health field or with a stronger self-concept have a more positive ageing perception. The studied variables that best predict the emotional representation for ageing are the academic qualifications and the academic self-concept.
  • Social and emotional intelligence in children with special educational need institutionalized: preliminary studies
    Publication . Franco, M. G.; Candeias, A. A.; Beja, M. J.
    Recent studies have come to show the need to complement traditional approaches of intelligence with other cognitive functions, such as the social and emotional intelligence (Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Goleman, 2006, Jones & Day, 1997). As these new dimensions to explore, which we will present the study aimed to describe the social and emotional intelligence and its relation to emotional and social skills in children with special educational institutions. The sample incorporated 20 children with special educational needs and 369 regular education children, aged between 7 and 13 years old, and were the following instruments: The Social Intelligence Test for Children, the Emotional Perception Test for children, the Test of Social Skills for children and the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. The results allow us to identify and evaluate the cognitive processes of social and emotional development of children in general and children’s special educational needs in particular and are a new way of looking at human skills and social skills and emotional.
  • Preservação cognitiva em adultos idosos
    Publication . Candeias, Adelinda Araújo
    Objetivo: Compreender a preservação das funções cognitivas e executivas em adultos idosos em função da prática de canto coral, da idade e da escolaridade Método: Estudo transversal, quantitativo e correlacional com uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 40 adultos idosos (entre 65-90 anos), com e sem práticas de canto coral. Foi utilizado o Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) para a avaliação das capacidades cognitivas. Realizou-se a comparação de médias entre grupos e as variáveis – nível de escolaridade, idade e os resultados do MMSE – bem como correlações entre estas. A finalizar analisámos o poder preditivo associado à prática coralista, à escolaridade e à idade nas capacidades cognitivas. Resultados: Verificou-se, na comparação de médias efetuada que os indivíduos que mantém atividade de canto coral apresentam melhores resultados dos que os outros indivíduos. Com base nos resultados a escolaridade e a prática de canto coral emergem como preditores -importantes do funcionamento executivo e como fatores protetores da preservação da cognitiva. Conclusão: Presume-se, então, que o desenvolvimento e a preservação cognitiva, estimulados pela escolaridade e pela prática de canto coral, constituem fatores de bem-estar cognitivo e qualidade de vida em adultos mais velhos.
  • Academic achievement in physics-chemistry: the predictive effect of attitudes and reasoning abilities
    Publication . Vilia, Paulo N.; Candeias, Adelinda A.; Neto, António S.; Franco, Maria da Glória S.; Melo, Madalena
    Science education plays a critical role as political priority due to its fundamental importance in engaging students to pursue technological careers considered essential in modern societies, in order to face scientific development challenges. High-level achievement on science education and positive attitudes toward science constitutes a crucial challenge for formal education. Several studies indicate close relationships between students' attitudes, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of student's attitudes toward the school discipline of Physics and Chemistry and their reasoning abilities on academic achievement on that school subject, among Portuguese 9th grade students using the data collected during the Project Academic Performance and Development: a longitudinal study on the effects of school transitions in Portuguese students (PTDC/CPE-CED/104884/2008). The participants were 470 students (267 girls - 56.8% and 203 boys - 43.2%), aged 14-16 years old (μ = 14.3 ± 0.58). The attitude data were collected using the Attitude toward Physics-Chemistry Questionnaire (ATPCQ) and, the Reasoning Test Battery (RTB) was used to assess the students reasoning abilities. Achievement was measured using the students' quarterly (9-week) grades in the physics and chemistry subject. The relationships between the attitude dimensions toward Physics-chemistry and the reasoning dimensions and achievement in each of the three school terms were assessed by multiple regression stepwise analyses and standardized regression coefficients (β), calculated with IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. Both variables studied proved to be significant predictor variables of school achievement. The models obtained from the use of both variables were always stronger accounting for higher proportions of student's grade variations. The results show that ATPCQ and RTB had a significantly positive relationship with student's achievement in Physics-chemistry, indicating that both attitudinal and cognitive variables should be taken into account on science education as well as in educative intervention.