Research Project
Familial resemblance in gross motor coordination. The peruvian sibling study on growth and health
Publication . Valdívia, Alcibíades B.; Henrique, Rafael S.; Pereira, Sara; Chaves, Raquel N.; Tani, Go; Freitas, Duarte; Prista, Antonio; Stodden, David F.; Katzmarzyk, Peter T.; Hedeker, Donald; Maia, José
Background: The development of gross motor coordination (GMC) is governed by biological and
environmental factors whose effect sizes are still unclear.
Aim: To investigate sibling resemblance in GMC, as well as biological and environmental correlates of
GMC among Peruvian children.
Materials and methods: The sample comprised 1256 biological siblings (6–15 years old), from three
geographical areas of Peru. GMC was assessed using the Korperkoordinationtest fur Kinder € (KTK) test
battery. Anthropometry, biological maturation and physical fitness (PF) were also measured. Multilevel
modelling was performed using Stata 14 software.
Results: In general, sister–sister pairs (SS) showed the highest resemblance in GMC (q ¼ 0.24) com pared to brother–sister (BS) (q ¼ 0.10) and brother–brother (BB) pairs (q ¼ 0.07). On average, BB pairs
had higher GMC than SS pairs and older siblings had higher GMC than younger siblings. Further, those
with lower body mass index (BMI) and higher PF had higher GMC. There was also a significant inter action between age and PF with GMC. Siblings from the rainforest region demonstrated higher GMC
than those from sea level and high-altitude siblings demonstrated lower GMC than their sea level peers.
Conclusion: These results demonstrate statistically significant sibling resemblance in GMC. Age, BMI,
PF and geographical area were significant correlates of GMC
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number