Research Project
Comparing adaptive cognitive training in virtual reality and paper-pencil in a sample of stroke patients
Publication . Faria, Ana Lúcia; Paulino, Teresa; Bermúdez i Badia, Sergi
The growing number of people with cognitive
deficits creates an urgent need for new cognitive training
solutions. Paper-and-pencil tasks are still widely used for
cognitive rehabilitation despite the proliferation of new
computer-based methods, like VR-based simulations of ADL’s.
The health professionals’ resistance in adopting new tools
might be explained by the small number of validation trials.
Studies have established construct validity of VR assessment
tools with their paper-and-pencil versions by demonstrating
significant associations with their traditional construct-driven
measures. However, adaptive rehabilitation tools for
intervention are mostly not equivalent to their counterpart
paper-and-pencil versions, which makes it difficult to carry out
comparative studies. Here we present a 12-session intervention
study with 31 stroke survivors who underwent different
rehabilitation protocols based on the same content and
difficulty adaptation progression framework: 17 performed
paper-and-pencil training with the Task Generator and 14
performed VR-based training with the Reh@City. Results
have shown that both groups performed at the same level and
there was not an effect of the training methodology in overall
performance. However, the Reh@City enabled more intensive
training, which may translate in more cognitive improvements.
Customizing a cognitive stimulation program for individuals with dementia through a participatory design approach
Publication . Spínola, Mónica; Câmara, Joana; Ferreira, Luis; Faria, Ana Lúcia; Bermúdez i Badia, Sergi
Background: Different intervention strategies, such as reminiscence and music-based
therapies, effectively mitigate the cognitive decline of individuals with dementia (IwD). An important
challenge when implementing these approaches lies in the need for content customization. We de signed Musiquence platform, a framework that allows the customization of music and reminiscence
content in cognitive stimulation activities. (2) Methods: Here, we present a participatory design
methodology for designing a seven-week customized cognitive stimulation program (CCSP) for
IwD using Musiquence. We ran focus groups with 19 formal caregivers, who provided information
regarding themes and music to be used in activities for IwD, and gathered preferences from 20 IwD.
(3) Results: The CCSP consists of seven cycles of tasks combining the activities available in Musiquence,
the seven preferential themes of IwD, and the seven songs most frequently referenced by formal
caregivers. (4) Conclusions: Finally, we provide a set of guidelines to implement a participatory
design approach for content development together with IwD.
Publication . Câmara, Joana; Paulino, Teresa; Spínola, Mónica; Branco, Diogo; Cameirão, Mónica; Faria, Ana Lúcia; Ferreira, Luis; Moreira, André; Silva, Ana Rita; Vilar, Manuela; Simões, Mário; Bermúdez i Badia, Sergi; Fermé, Eduardo
O treino cognitivo (TC) através das novas tecnologias representa uma estratégia de
intervenção promissora na mitigação dos défices cognitivos pós-AVC. Neste estudo-piloto,
avaliamos o impacto a curto prazo de um novo sistema de TC com maior validade ecológica – a
plataforma NeuroAIreh@b –, numa amostra de sobreviventes de AVC na fase crónica. Recrutámos
dez sobreviventes de AVC que foram submetidos a uma avaliação neuropsicológica (ANP) pré intervenção. Posteriormente, iniciaram uma intervenção de TC implementada via tablet, com
recurso à versão protótipo da plataforma NeuroAIreh@b, envolvendo oito sessões de 45 minutos.
Nestas sessões, realizaram quatro tipos de tarefas de TC baseadas em atividades de vida diária
(AVDs) (por ex., selecionar os ingredientes corretos para fazer uma receita, pagar as compras no
supermercado). Foram efetuadas ANPs pós-intervenção para avaliar o impacto da intervenção a
curto prazo. Uma análise intra-grupal com o teste de Wilcoxon revelou diferenças estatisticamente
significativas no Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) e na pontuação total do Inventário de
Avaliação Funcional de Adultos e Idosos (IAFAI). Globalmente, o TC através da plataforma
NeuroAIreh@b parece ser benéfico na fase crónica do AVC, conduzindo a ganhos na cognição
geral (MoCA) e na capacidade funcional (IAFAI). Estes resultados preliminares com a versão
protótipo da plataforma NeuroAIreh@b são encorajadores e sugerem a generalização dos ganhos
obtidos em contexto terapêutico para as AVDs.
A comparison of two personalization and adaptive cognitive rehabilitation approaches: a randomized controlled trial with chronic stroke patients
Publication . Faria, Ana Lúcia; Pinho, Maria Salomé; Bermúdez i Badia, Sergi
Background: Paper-and-pencil tasks are still widely used for cognitive rehabilitation despite the proliferation of
new computer-based methods, like VR-based simulations of ADL’s. Studies have established construct validity of VR
assessment tools with their paper-and-pencil version by demonstrating significant associations with their traditional
construct-driven measures. However, VR rehabilitation intervention tools are mostly developed to include
mechanisms such as personalization and adaptation, elements that are disregarded in their paper-and-pencil
counterparts, which is a strong limitation of comparison studies. Here we compare the clinical impact of a
personalized and adapted paper-and-pencil training and a content equivalent and more ecologically valid VR-based
ADL’s simulation.
Methods: We have performed a trial with 36 stroke patients comparing Reh@City v2.0 (adaptive cognitive training
through everyday tasks VR simulations) with Task Generator (TG: content equivalent and adaptive paper-and-pencil
training). The intervention comprised 12 sessions, with a neuropsychological assessment pre, post-intervention and
follow-up, having as primary outcomes: general cognitive functioning (assessed by the Montreal Cognitive
Assessment - MoCA), attention, memory, executive functions and language specific domains.
Results: A within-group analysis revealed that the Reh@City v2.0 improved general cognitive functioning, attention,
visuospatial ability and executive functions. These improvements generalized to verbal memory, processing speed
and self-perceived cognitive deficits specific assessments. TG only improved in orientation domain on the MoCA,
and specific processing speed and verbal memory outcomes. However, at follow-up, processing speed and verbal
memory improvements were maintained, and a new one was revealed in language. A between-groups analysis
revealed Reh@City v2.0 superiority in general cognitive functioning, visuospatial ability, and executive functions on
the MoCA. Conclusions: The Reh@City v2.0 intervention with higher ecological validity revealed higher effectiveness with
improvements in different cognitive domains and self-perceived cognitive deficits in everyday life, and the TG
intervention retained fewer cognitive gains for longer.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number