Research Project
O papel da escola e das aulas de educação física no desenvolvimento da aptidão cardiorrespiratória
Promoting health-related cardiorespiratory fitness in physical education: a systematic review
Publication . Peralta, Miguel; Henriques-Neto, Duarte; Gouveia, Élvio Rúbio; Sardinha, Luís B.; Marques, Adilson
This article aimed to systematically review the contribution of physical education (PE) clas ses to improve cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in children and adolescents; and to define
potentially relevant factors for promoting CRF in PE classes.
Studies were identified from searches in ERIC, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science
databases. Primary source articles, relating PE classes and CRF, published up to July 2019
in peer-reviewed journals were eligible for inclusion. Specific inclusion criteria were: (a) having
cross-sectional or longitudinal and observational or interventional study designs; (b) targeting
school-aged children or adolescents; (c) measuring CRF, heart rate or CRF test results as an
outcome; (d) having statistical analyses of the CRF, heart rate or CRF test results outcomes
reported; (e) focusing on PE classes or PE interventions that did not extended time or fre quency of the classes; and (f) published in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish.
A total of 24 studies met the inclusion criteria. Overall, 10 studies have found a neutral effect
of PE classes in students’ CRF, eight studies found that PE indeed contributed to the
improvement of CRF and six studies revealed mixed findings, when PE classes where con trolled for others variables (e.g. body mass index, intensity). Higher intensity PE classes
consistently demonstrated contributions to improving students’ CRF.
Review findings suggest that PE classes can contribute to the improvement of students’
CRF. Intensity, age and weight status were identified as potentially relevant factors for pro moting CRF in PE classes. To improve CRF, higher intensity classes should be provided.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number