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Este relatório tem como base o ano de estágio pedagógico realizado na Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, no decorrer do ano letivo 2016/2017, no qual é feita uma exposição reflexiva de tudo aquilo que foi realizado ao longo do mesmo. Como referido anteriormente, este trabalho tem o intuito de dar a conhecer a todas as pessoas, as competências adquiridas ao longo do estágio pedagógico, bem como as estratégias utilizadas no mesmo. Para além disso, torna-se essencial a reflexão sobre o que foi feito, a forma como foi feito, as opções tomadas, as alterações efetuadas e os resultados obtidos, sempre de forma crítica. Com a aquisição dessas competências, houve transformação na nossa forma de atuação enquanto profissional na área da educação física, mas também como pessoa. Enquanto estagiário e ser humano em transformação, toda a minha intervenção foi refletida e analisada logo após as aulas, e com isto a minha intervenção pedagógica foi sendo valorizada com o passar do tempo. Considero que no final do ano tornei-me um docente mais completo com uma atuação mais eficaz. Além do enriquecimento como docente, foi possível enriquecer-me enquanto pessoa e, tudo isto deve-se ao ano de estágio e a todas as pessoas que de uma forma direta ou indireta fizeram parte do mesmo. Resumindo, o documento que se segue aponta e explica tudo o que foi feito ao longo do ano letivo e no final de cada capítulo existe uma pequena reflexão do meu desempenho enquanto docente e aluno estagiário, mas também sobre todos os métodos utilizados no ensino.
This report is based on the year of pedagogical internship at the Primary and Secondary School Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, during the 2016/2017 school year, in which a reflective exposition of everything that was carried out along the same year is made. As mentioned previously, this work aims to make known to all people, the skills acquired throughout the pedagogic stage, as well as the strategies used in it. In addition, it is essential to reflect on what was done, how it was done, the options taken, the changes made and the results obtained, always critically. With the acquisition of these skills, there was transformation in our way of acting as a professional in the area of physical education, but also as a person. As a trainee and a human being in transformation, my entire intervention was reflected in the analysis of my work just after school, and with this my pedagogical intervention was valued with the passage of time. I consider that at the end of the year I became a more complete teacher with a more effective performance. Besides the enrichment as a teacher, it was possible to enrich myself as a person and all this is due to the year of internship and to all the people who, directly or indirectly, were part of it. In short, the following document points out and explains everything that was done during the school year and at the end of each chapter there is a small reflection of my performance as a teacher and trainee student, but also about all methods used in teaching.
This report is based on the year of pedagogical internship at the Primary and Secondary School Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, during the 2016/2017 school year, in which a reflective exposition of everything that was carried out along the same year is made. As mentioned previously, this work aims to make known to all people, the skills acquired throughout the pedagogic stage, as well as the strategies used in it. In addition, it is essential to reflect on what was done, how it was done, the options taken, the changes made and the results obtained, always critically. With the acquisition of these skills, there was transformation in our way of acting as a professional in the area of physical education, but also as a person. As a trainee and a human being in transformation, my entire intervention was reflected in the analysis of my work just after school, and with this my pedagogical intervention was valued with the passage of time. I consider that at the end of the year I became a more complete teacher with a more effective performance. Besides the enrichment as a teacher, it was possible to enrich myself as a person and all this is due to the year of internship and to all the people who, directly or indirectly, were part of it. In short, the following document points out and explains everything that was done during the school year and at the end of each chapter there is a small reflection of my performance as a teacher and trainee student, but also about all methods used in teaching.
Estágio pedagógico Docente Ano letivo Intervenção Pedagogical stage Teacher School year Intervention Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais