Research Project
Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health
Smart mobility: a survey
Publication . Faria, Ricardo; Brito, Lina; Baras, Karolina; Silva, José
Internet of Things (IoT) describes a world where
everyday objects are always connected to the Internet, allowing
them to communicate and interact with each other. By
connecting these everyday objects to the Internet and making
them available everywhere at any time, IoT allows to remotely
monitor, manage, and gather status information about them and
their surrounding environment. IoT is a revolutionary concept
that brought new experiences to everyday life and enabled Smart
City initiatives all over the world. These initiatives are using a
combination of technology paired with physical infrastructure
and services, to improve people’s quality of life. One of the high priority domain to support the Smart City’s vision is the field of
Smart Mobility. This paper reviews the current IoT approaches
and concepts related to Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. In
addition, it analyzes distinct features and numerous applications
covering both Intelligent Transportation and Real Time Traffic
Management Systems.
Smart mobility: a mobile approach
Publication . Faria, Ricardo; Brito, Lina; Baras, Karolina; Silva, José
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key ingredients for the real ization of Smart Cities. IoT devices are essential components of the Smart Cities
infrastructure, as they can provide information collected from the environment
through sensors or allow other systems to reach out and act on the world through
actuators. IoT data collection, however, is not limited to sensors and machines,
but to data from social networks, and the web. Social networks have a huge im pact on the amount of data being produced daily, becoming an increasingly cen tral and important data source. The exploitation of these data sources, combined
with the growing popularity of mobile devices, can lead to the development of
better solutions to improve people’s quality of life. This paper discusses how to
take advantage of the benefits of mobile devices and the vast range of information
sources and services, such as traffic conditions, and narrow, closed or conditioned
roads data. The proposed system uses a real-time collection, organization, and
transmission of traffic and road conditions data to provide efficient and accurate
information to drivers. With the purpose of supporting and improving traffic data
collection and distribution, an Android application was developed to collect in formation about extraordinary events that take place in a city, providing warnings
and alternative routes to drivers and helping them to improve their time manage ment. The developed solution also exploits the existing gaps in other applications,
implementing a more specific solution for the Madeira Island traffic condition
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number