Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2017"
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- Storytelling in design for social innovation and politics: a reading through the lenses of Hannah ArendtPublication . Tassinari, Virginia; Piredda, Francesca; Bertolotti, ElisaThe German philosopher Hannah Arendt believes that storytelling can be used to reopen the idea of public space and to facilitate dialogue/action amongst citizens aimed at attaining a more participative society. She regards storytelling as the only real political action, as it opens up the idea of public space where everybody is invited to take part in the discussion in which decisions upon the polis – the common realm – are taken together. Arendt goes back to Aristotle’s definition that man is a political animal, “zoon politikon”. To participate in the construction of the common realm and to be an active component of societal life is what defines the most profound human vocation. Arendt sees this as the meaning of the word “hero”; not a superman, but rather one who contributes to the construction of the public sphere. This paper further expands on the political implications of storytelling in social innovation, by taking into account the writings of Arendt as well as some experimentations of use of storytelling in social innovation taken place at international level.
- Sabores e saberes na ilha dos amores, em comentários de Manuel de Faria e SousaPublication . Nascimento, Maria Teresa
- A categoria caso nos pronomes pessoais de terceira pessoa: “estou estudando ela” em perspectiva sociolinguísticaPublication . Rodrigues, Lorena; Bazenga, Aline
- Acetic acid and ethyl acetate in Madeira wines: evolution with ageing and assessment of the odour rejection thresholdPublication . Miranda, Andreia; Pereira, Vanda; Pontes, Marisela; Albuquerque, Francisco; Marques, José C.Madeira wine is an internationally recognized fortified wine, characterized by a complex flavour and high longevity. Little is known about the impact of volatile acidity in its features along ageing. Thus, this work studied the evolution of acetic acid and ethyl acetate (volatile acidity main contributors) during the ageing processes used in Madeira wine production, canteiro and estufagem. Wines aged in canteiro for 6 up to 45 years were also evaluated. The odour rejection thresholds (ORT) were assessed in sweet (Malvasia) and dry (Sercial) wines with 5 and 10 years old, by a regular consumer panel and a non-regular consumer panel. The results showed that the formation trend of acetic acid and ethyl acetate is similar in both ageing processes and is favoured by the ageing, mostly in sweet wines. The ORT of ethyl acetate was in average 328 mg/L for both panels, while for acetic acid ranged between 1.96 and 5.72 g/L, depending on the evaluation panel and also on the age and sweetness degree of the Madeira wine. The ORT values expressed in volatile acidity ranged between 1.4 and 3.5 g/L, which are higher than the legal limits. The study pointed out that the olfactory perception of acetic acid and ethyl acetate in Madeira wines depends on their age and sweetness degree.
- Mérito académico no ensino superior e inserção laboral: um estudo de casoPublication . Manuel, Micaela; Antunes, AnaEspera-se que alunos de mérito apresentem produção profissional de excelência, contudo nem sempre elevados desempenhos académicos predizem sucesso profissional. O objetivo desta investigação é identificar características e analisar percursos de vida de alunos de mérito no ensino superior, procurando conhecer os fatores que podem condicionar o sucesso académico e profissional. Participaram oito adultos premiados por mérito numa universidade pública portuguesa. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e do NEO-PI-R. Os resultados sugerem a presença de fatores comuns associados ao êxito académico e profissional, no entanto, até à data, os participantes não parecem ter sucesso profissional reconhecido como excecional.
- Ultrasound-assisted liquid-liquid extraction followed by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography for the quantification of major carotenoids in tomatoPublication . Figueira, José A.; Pereira, Jorge A.M.; Porto-Figueira, Priscilla; Câmara, José S.Lycopene and β-carotene, the main carotenoids present in different tomatoes varieties (gordal, cherry, roma and campari) of Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae), were investigated using ultrasound-assisted liquid-liquid extraction (LLUSAE) followed by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography with PDA detection (UHPLC-PDA) analysis. Experimental parameters influencing the LLUSAE were optimized using an univariate design, resulting in a 30-min ACN/MeOH extraction by sonication of a lyophilized sample, followed by PSA/C18/MgSO4 clean-up and fast centrifugation before UPLC analysis. Using this greener methodology, high recoveries (above 97%), good linearity (r2 > 0.98) and improved sensitivity, with limits of detection and quantification of 24.0 and 80.0 ng/mL for lycopene and 3.0 and 9.9 ng/mL for β-carotene, respectively, were obtained. This sensitivity is about five times better than previously reported in literature, making LLUSAE/UHPLC-PDA a promising strategy for lycopene and β-carotene quantification in tomato and eventually in other matrices. The carotenoids studied, lycopene and β-carotene, were found at highest concentrations in the gordal tomato variety, followed by cherry, roma and campari (727.1, 342.2, 267.2 and 218.2 μg/g and 80.4, 44.0, 45.7 and 44.0 μg/g for lycopene and β-carotene, respectively). Additionally, an exponential increase of both carotenoids occurs during ripening and mainly in the skin and locular cavity of the gordal variety. These results provide further evidences of the potential of tomatoes as an interesting source of lycopene and β-carotene.
- Analytical methodologies for the determination of biogenic amines in wines: an overview of the recent trendsPublication . Miranda, Andreia; Leça, João M.; Pereira, Vanda; Marques, José CarlosBiogenic amines are naturally present in grapes or can occur during the vinification and aging processes, essentially due to the microorganism’s activity. When present in wines in high amount, biogenic amines may cause not only organoleptic defects but also adverse effects in sensitive human individuals, namely due to the toxicity of histamine, tyramine and putrescine. Even though there are no legal limits for the concentration of biogenic amines in wines, some European countries only recommend maximum limits for histamine. In this sense, biogenic amines in wines have been widely studied. The determination of amines in wines is commonly achieved by liquid chromatography, using derivatization reagents in order to promote its separation and detection. In alternative, other promising methodologies have been developed using capillary electrophoresis or biosensors, revealing lower costs and faster results, without needing a derivatization step. Nowadays, it is still a challenge to develop faster and inexpensive techniques or methodologies to apply in the wine industry. Thus, this review will be focused on the studies published in the last decade that involves the determination of biogenic amines in wines, highlighting the novelty, improvement and optimization of the analytical methods. The sample preparation procedures (such as derivatization reagents), the analytical methodologies and the new trends being followed by the wine industry are also described and discussed.
- Detailed numerical simulation of cathode spots in vacuum arcs: Interplay of different mechanisms and ejection of dropletsPublication . Kaufmann, H. T. C.; Cunha, M. D.; Benilov, M. S.; Hartmann, W.; Wenzel, N.A model of cathode spots in high-current vacuum arcs is developed with account of all the poten tially relevant mechanisms: the bombardment of the cathode surface by ions coming from a pre existing plasma cloud; vaporization of the cathode material in the spot, its ionization, and the inter action of the produced plasma with the cathode; the Joule heat generation in the cathode body; melting of the cathode material and motion of the melt under the effect of the plasma pressure and the Lorentz force and related phenomena. After the spot has been ignited by the action of the cloud (which takes a few nanoseconds), the metal in the spot is melted and accelerated toward the periph ery of the spot, with the main driving force being the pressure due to incident ions. Electron emis sion cooling and convective heat transfer are dominant mechanisms of cooling in the spot, limiting the maximum temperature of the cathode to approximately 4700–4800 K. A crater is formed on the cathode surface in this way. After the plasma cloud has been extinguished, a liquid-metal jet is formed and a droplet is ejected. No explosions have been observed. The modeling results conform to estimates of different mechanisms of cathode erosion derived from the experimental data on the net and ion erosion of copper cathodes.
- Tracking of gross motor coordination in Portuguese childrenPublication . Henrique, Rafael S.; Bustamante, Alcibíades V.; Freitas, Duarte L.; Tani, Go; Katzmarzyk, Peter T.; Maia, José A.The purpose of this study was to investigate the tracking of gross motor coordination (GMC) and to profile children at 6 years of age who consistently showed higher stability patterns in different levels of GMC. The participants were 245 children (123 boys and 122 girls) who were assessed longitudinally from 6 to 9 years of age. GMC was assessed using the Korperkoordinationtest fur Kinder (KTK) test battery. Anthropometry, physical activity, and health- and performance-related physical fitness were also measured. Cohen’s kappa (κ) was used to estimate tracking. Tracking was poor for all GMC tests (0.17 ≤ κ ≤ 0.38) and moderate for the GMC motor quotient (MQ) in both boys and girls (0.44 ≤ κ ≤ 0.45). Instability at the extremes was low in GMC tests and negligible for MQ. Children who consistently showed high GMC levels during the 4 years of follow-up were lighter, had lower body mass index and subcutaneous fat, and showed higher scores in physical fitness tests at 6 years of age than those who consistently had low GMC levels. In conclusion, GMC showed low-to-moderate tracking over time in childhood. However, children who consistently demonstrated high GMC levels over time had healthier profiles at 6 years of age.
- As novas tecnologias e a rotura do processo pedagógicoPublication . Lopes, H.; Rodrigues, A.; Gouveia, É.; Vicente, A.; Prudente, J.; Simões, J.; Fernando, C.