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O convívio e a proximidade com as pessoas em situação de sem-abrigo
residentes no Centro de Acolhimento Emergência Municipal (CAEM) de Santa Bárbara,
na freguesia de Arroios, em Lisboa, nos possibilitou perceber que este grupo vulnerável
(social, financeira e psicologicamente), marginalizados e excluídos socialmente, têm em
comum relações de valor simbólico significativo com seus objetos pessoais. Com o
objetivo de estudar a história social das coisas que eles carregam, os seus significados e
a estrutura das trajetórias dessas relações sociais, bem como a construção de valores e
significados, este estudo pretende entrevistar um grupo de residentes e registar através da
imagem os seus objetos pessoais, a fim de desenvolver uma exposição que nos permita
investigar o sentido dos objetos no interior da história de vida desses indivíduos. Por meio
de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e registo fotográfico, queremos contar traços da biografia
de pessoas em situação de sem-abrigo e dos seus objetos, para atuar como um estudo que
aproxima a comunidade académica a este grupo social e promove reflexões sobre as
ligações singulares e simbólicas com as coisas materiais.
The conviviality and closeness with homeless people residing at the Municipal Emergency Reception Centre (CAEM) of Santa Bárbara, in the parish of Arroios, in Lisbon, enabled us to perceive that this vulnerable group (socially, financially, and psychologically), marginalized and socially excluded, have in common relationships of significant symbolic value with their personal objects. With the aim of studying the social history of the things they carry, their meanings and the structure of the trajectories of these social relationships, as well as the construction of values and meanings, this study aims to interview a group of residents and record their experiences through images. personal objects, in order to develop an exhibition that allows us to investigate the meaning of objects within the life history of these individuals. Through semi-structured interviews and photographic recording, we want to tell traces of the biography of homeless people and their objects, to act as a study that brings the academic community closer to this social group and promotes reflections on the unique connections and symbolic with material things.
The conviviality and closeness with homeless people residing at the Municipal Emergency Reception Centre (CAEM) of Santa Bárbara, in the parish of Arroios, in Lisbon, enabled us to perceive that this vulnerable group (socially, financially, and psychologically), marginalized and socially excluded, have in common relationships of significant symbolic value with their personal objects. With the aim of studying the social history of the things they carry, their meanings and the structure of the trajectories of these social relationships, as well as the construction of values and meanings, this study aims to interview a group of residents and record their experiences through images. personal objects, in order to develop an exhibition that allows us to investigate the meaning of objects within the life history of these individuals. Through semi-structured interviews and photographic recording, we want to tell traces of the biography of homeless people and their objects, to act as a study that brings the academic community closer to this social group and promotes reflections on the unique connections and symbolic with material things.
Sem-abrigo Objetos Biografia Valor simbólico Memórias Homeless Objects Biography Symbolic value Memories . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Fagundes, L., Sachim, M. I. & Silvano, F. (2023). Biografia de rua: a relação das pessoas em situação de sem-abrigo com os seus objetos pessoais. Cinema & Território, (8), 154–172.
Universidade da Madeira