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A presente investigação teve como objetivo fornecer dados teóricos e empíricos relativamente ao peso que os eventos culturais realizados por unidades hoteleiras apresentam na seleção do estabelecimento, bem como determinar a fonte mais influenciável para os assistir e a capacidade destes em atingir as expectativas dos clientes. Foi adotada uma metodologia exploratória qualitativa focada num horizonte temporal de estudos transversais e num cenário de estudo não artificial. A amostra foi constituída por 2229 clientes e seis diretores de oito unidades hoteleiras organizadoras de eventos culturais localizadas na ilha da Madeira (Portugal), tornando assim esta investigação num estudo de caso múltiplo. Os elementos da investigação foram o indivíduo e a organização, sendo que o método de amostragem foi o voluntário e não probabilístico. A colheita de dados teve a duração de 76 dias e foi realizada através de entrevistas face-a-face com questionários servindo de guiões. Os dados revelaram que, apesar dos eventos culturais realizados por unidades hoteleiras não se terem apresentado como um fator de seleção dos estabelecimentos, estes eventos tiveram a participação de uma percentagem considerável de clientes, que foram influenciados por comunicações de marketing realizadas no interior dos estabelecimentos, nos quais os clientes participaram de forma passiva, tiveram as suas expectativas atendidas, falaram sobre os eventos pessoalmente com outras pessoas e sentiram-se valorizados por opinarem em questionários relativos aos eventos. O valor desta investigação centra-se no facto da verificada elevada afluência, satisfação e partilha de informações pelos clientes sobre os eventos culturais ter demonstrado que estes eventos têm lugar nas unidades hoteleiras, sendo também que estes se diferenciam por serem mais influenciáveis através de comunicações de marketing do que por recomendações de outros clientes.
This research aimed to provide theoretical and empirical data on the weight that cultural events conducted by hotel units have in the selection of the establishment, as well as to determine the most influential source to attend them and their ability to meet customer’s expectations. A qualitative exploratory methodology focused on a time horizon of cross-sectional studies and in a non-artificial study scenario was adopted. The sample consisted of 2229 clients and six directors of eight hotel units, that conducted cultural events, located on the island of Madeira (Portugal), thus making this research a multiple case study. The elements of the investigation were the individual and the organization and the sampling method was the voluntary and non-probabilistic. The data collection lasted 76 days and was performed through face-to-face interviews with questionnaires serving as guides. The data revealed that, although the cultural events conducted by hotel units did not appear as a selection factor of the establishments, these events were attended by a considerable percentage of clients, who were influenced by marketing communications carried out within the establishments, in which the clients participated in a passive manner, had their expectations met, talked about the events personally with other people and felt valued for opining in questionnaires related to the events. The value of this research is centred in the fact that the verified high attendance, satisfaction and information sharing by the clients about the cultural events have demonstrated that these events have a place in the hotel units, being also that they set themselves apart by being more influential through marketing communications than by recommendations from other customers.
This research aimed to provide theoretical and empirical data on the weight that cultural events conducted by hotel units have in the selection of the establishment, as well as to determine the most influential source to attend them and their ability to meet customer’s expectations. A qualitative exploratory methodology focused on a time horizon of cross-sectional studies and in a non-artificial study scenario was adopted. The sample consisted of 2229 clients and six directors of eight hotel units, that conducted cultural events, located on the island of Madeira (Portugal), thus making this research a multiple case study. The elements of the investigation were the individual and the organization and the sampling method was the voluntary and non-probabilistic. The data collection lasted 76 days and was performed through face-to-face interviews with questionnaires serving as guides. The data revealed that, although the cultural events conducted by hotel units did not appear as a selection factor of the establishments, these events were attended by a considerable percentage of clients, who were influenced by marketing communications carried out within the establishments, in which the clients participated in a passive manner, had their expectations met, talked about the events personally with other people and felt valued for opining in questionnaires related to the events. The value of this research is centred in the fact that the verified high attendance, satisfaction and information sharing by the clients about the cultural events have demonstrated that these events have a place in the hotel units, being also that they set themselves apart by being more influential through marketing communications than by recommendations from other customers.
Eventos culturais Hotelaria Comportamento do consumidor Comunicação Expectativas versus perceções Marketing Madeira (Portugal) Cultural events Hospitality Consumer behaviour Communication Expectations versus perceptions Gestão Cultural . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades