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O presente estudo, desenvolvido como pesquisa etnográfica na comunidade de Brasília Teimosa, na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco-Brasil tem como objetivo a investigação de “como”, e “se” ocorre diálogo entre os etnosaberes da população tradicional e os saberes acadêmicos nos projetos de Educação Ambiental desenvolvidos na Escola Municipal Engenheiro Umberto Gondin localizada na comunidade estudada. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas partes: a primeira corresponde à fundamentação teórica, abordando temas como a importância dos etnosaberes e a história da escola e da supervisão pedagógica no Brasil; a segunda parte refere-se à metodologia utilizada para averiguar os aspectos sócios culturais e ambientais relevantes ao estudo empírico em tela, abrangendo a metodologia de análise dos resultados. A questão-problema da investigação abordou a possível ou não, existência de dialogicidade entre os etnosaberes e acadêmicos na prática pedagógica dos projetos de EA da referida escola. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza etnográfica, mediante um estudo de caso. Na pesquisa etnográfica busquei interpretar a cultura dos participantes da pesquisa em seu ambiente natural, através da observação dos seus comportamentos, atitudes, motivações, interesses e emoções, através da observação participante, com anotações em diário de campo; entrevistas etnográficas e da análise documental, procurei abordar o universo cultural que envolve a escola e as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no contexto intraescolar, e sua repercussão na comunidade investigada. Após a coleta os dados foram tratados de forma indutiva e validados por meio da triangulação, que possibilitou comprovar que nas práticas pedagógicas dos projetos de EA desenvolvidos na Escola Municipal Engenheiro Umberto Gondin, há dialogicidade entre os etnosaberes e os saberes seculares. Tendo assim, na presença da supervisão pedagógica o contributo positivo para o desempenho reflexivo das professoras, ao dar suporte e liberdade para que as mesmas possam promover a ruptura dos velhos paradigmas da educação. Possibilitando aos estudantes ampliarem sua visão crítica frente às exigências do mundo atual, criando espaços pedagógicos de envolvência ambiental através da pedagogia de projetos que propiciam a aprendizagem significativa e dialogicidade entre os saberes na construção de novos conhecimentos para o posicionamento crítico das novas gerações frente a crise ambiental e civilizatória do século XXI.
The following study developed as an Ethnographic research inside the Brasilia Teimosa community at Recife, Pernambuco – Brazil presents as a motto the investigation of “how” and “whether” the dialogue in between the ethnic and academic knowledges happen in the environmental education projects performed by the Engenheiro Umberto Gondin Municipal School at the referred community. The research was divided in two segments: First, corresponding to the theoretical grounding, broaching themes such as the importance of the ethnic knowledges and the history of schools and pedagogical supervision in Brazil; Second referring to the methodology utilized to inquire the relevant sociocultural and environmental aspects of the empirical study on stage, comprising methodology and result analysis. The problem question of the inquiry addressed whether there was dialogicity among the ethnic and academic knowledges in the E.E. projects developed by the aforementioned school, therefore was realized a qualitative, ethnographic in nature, research through a case study; In the ethnographic research was tried to interpret the participants’ culture in their natural environments, through the observation of their behaviors, attitudes, motivations, interests and emotions. Per the means of the observation of the participants with notes on field journal, the ethnographic interviews and documental analysis was tried to address the cultural universe that involves the school and the pedagogical practices developed in the intra-school context and their repercussion throughout the inquired community. After mustering, the data was treated on an inductive process and validated by means of triangulation, which enabled the evidence that there is dialogicity in between ethnic and secular knowledges in the pedagogical practices performed in the E.E. projects at the Engenheiro Umberto Gondin Municipal School having, in the presence of pedagogical supervision the positive contribution for the reflexive performance of the educators while providing support and liberty for them to promote the rupture of old paradigms and enabling the students to broaden their critical thinking in face of the requirements of the current world, creating pedagogical spaces of environmental involvement through the pedagogy of projects that propitiate the significant learning and the dialogicity in between the knowledges in the construction of new acquirements for the critical positioning of the new generations facing the environmental and civilizing crisis of the XXIst century.
The following study developed as an Ethnographic research inside the Brasilia Teimosa community at Recife, Pernambuco – Brazil presents as a motto the investigation of “how” and “whether” the dialogue in between the ethnic and academic knowledges happen in the environmental education projects performed by the Engenheiro Umberto Gondin Municipal School at the referred community. The research was divided in two segments: First, corresponding to the theoretical grounding, broaching themes such as the importance of the ethnic knowledges and the history of schools and pedagogical supervision in Brazil; Second referring to the methodology utilized to inquire the relevant sociocultural and environmental aspects of the empirical study on stage, comprising methodology and result analysis. The problem question of the inquiry addressed whether there was dialogicity among the ethnic and academic knowledges in the E.E. projects developed by the aforementioned school, therefore was realized a qualitative, ethnographic in nature, research through a case study; In the ethnographic research was tried to interpret the participants’ culture in their natural environments, through the observation of their behaviors, attitudes, motivations, interests and emotions. Per the means of the observation of the participants with notes on field journal, the ethnographic interviews and documental analysis was tried to address the cultural universe that involves the school and the pedagogical practices developed in the intra-school context and their repercussion throughout the inquired community. After mustering, the data was treated on an inductive process and validated by means of triangulation, which enabled the evidence that there is dialogicity in between ethnic and secular knowledges in the pedagogical practices performed in the E.E. projects at the Engenheiro Umberto Gondin Municipal School having, in the presence of pedagogical supervision the positive contribution for the reflexive performance of the educators while providing support and liberty for them to promote the rupture of old paradigms and enabling the students to broaden their critical thinking in face of the requirements of the current world, creating pedagogical spaces of environmental involvement through the pedagogy of projects that propitiate the significant learning and the dialogicity in between the knowledges in the construction of new acquirements for the critical positioning of the new generations facing the environmental and civilizing crisis of the XXIst century.
Educação ambiental Supervisão pedagógica Etnossaberes Formação Professor Environmental education Pedagogical supervision Ethnic knowledges Formation Educator Teacher Ciências da Educação - Supervisão Pedagógica . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais