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In this article we present a new class of multiple contraction functions—the epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions—which are a generalization of the epistemic
entrenchment-based contractions (Gardenfors, 1988; G ¨ ardenfors & Makinson, 1988) to the case of ¨
contractions by (possibly nonsingleton) sets of sentences and provide an axiomatic characterization
for that class of functions. Moreover, we show that the class of epistemic entrenchment-based multi ple contractions coincides with the class of system of spheres-based multiple contractions introduced
in Ferme & Reis (2012).
Multiple contraction functions Epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions Epistemic entrenchment-based contractions System of spheres-based multiple contractions . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia
Fermé, E., & Reis, M. D. (2013). Epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions. Review of Symbolic Logic, 6(3).
Cambridge University Press