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  • The (Re)imagined Shades of Alice Gray: The Counter-Memory of a Woman-as-Witch in Stacey Halls’ The Familiars (2019)
    Publication . Gonçalves, Inês Tadeu Freitas
    Historical fiction is a way of dealing with painful pasts and traumatic events as counter-memories. Long-forgotten events are (re)created in a safe space in historical fiction. Set in seventeenth-century Lancashire, in her modern historical fiction The Fa miliars (2019), Stacey Halls narrates Alice Gray‟s painful past as a woman-as-witch into existence. Halls achieves it by (re)imagining Alice Gray‟s plight within the historical context of the Pendle Hill witch-hunt in 1612 Lancashire. Not only does Halls give Alice her historical voice back, but she sets the historical record straight by counter-memorialising Alice Gray as a woman-as-witch, i.e., a seventeenth-century woman othered and presumed to practise witchcraft, in this instance, merely for being an impoverished unmarried woman and a midwife. In this way, Halls‟s narrative invites us to empathise with Alice‟s plight, to understand the injustices she faced, and to appreciate her resilience. Besides, (re)creating Alice‟s witchcraft story, Halls fleshes out her heart-wrenching emotional turmoil. Moving away from the cold historical recorded facts, Halls interweaves Alice‟s troubled personal past as an abused young woman and a grieving and loving stepmother with the unfortunate contemporary events of the Pendle Hill witch hunt. As a result, we are offered a more than plausible (re)imagined rationale for Alice‟s witch hunt predicament and acquittal, which cannot be found or is even hinted at in the historical records. Thus, Halls culturally endows Alice‟s seventeenth-century marginalised historical counterpart with a contemporary gender-empowered mnemonic (re)imagined counter-memory. Moreover, Hall‟s active remembering of Alice Gray politically (re)contextualises and (re)frames this woman-as-witch of the Pendle Hill witch hunt of 1612 previously wanting. Also, the (re)imagined counter-memory of Alice Gray challenges the dominant historical narrative and underscores historical fiction‟s power in reshaping our understanding of the past. Ultimately, Halls endears and humanises this woman-as-witch of Pendle Hill and provides us with the many shades of Alice Gray.
  • Local identity, language and sustainable tourism: results of a survey of Madeira University tourism students about their communities
    Publication . Nunes, Naidea Nunes
    This study shows the potential of culture, society, and language tourism for the sustainable deve lopment of the island of Madeira. The intention is to ascertain the level of knowledge of students in the higher professional technical course of tourist information and marketing at Madeira University about their local identity and the importance of cultural heritage for sustainable tourism. The research question is about the role of com munities‘ tangible and intangible cultural heritage (ICH) (including language or linguistic heritage) for the sus tainability of tourism in the region. The qualitative and descriptive methodology used is based on data collected through a questionnaire with open questions applied in the classroom to 43 tourism students from different locali ties about their cultural heritage and identity. The results of the sample show that religious festivities, Madeiran regionalisms and traditional expressions were registered in Funchal and outside. For the city of Funchal (the capital of Madeira) there are more indications of tangible cultural heritage. For the other municipalities, ICH predominates with diverse local handicrafts and festivities of agricultu ral products. Thus, communities’ preservation of their ICH is fundamental for local identity and sustainability. Stu dents, together with Madeiran cultural associations and local people, have an important role to play in the authen ticity and sociocultural sustainability of regional tourism
  • Pedagogia, ação, liberdade e desenvolvimento humano em Paulo Freire
    Publication . Camacho, Maria José de Jesus; Kot-Kotecki, Ana Maria França; Góis, Liliana Rodrigues de
    Paulo Freire brinda-nos com a convicção de que as dimensões Pedagogia, Ação, Liberdade e Desenvolvimento Humano encontram condições para se conjugarem e consubstanciarem na existência humana, no desígnio de que, através delas e por elas, a resposta ao desenvolvimento dos anseios mais prementes e genuínos sobrevenha, se consolide e perpetue na vida das pessoas, dos povos e das sociedades. E, porque a história da humanidade, a nossa história, aponta para a descoberta de que o homem tem o dever moral de buscar uma felicidade razoável e de combater a violência, é preciso encontrar um sentido para a vida, nesta vida, nesta comunidade, neste momento histórico em que existimos e cuja moral deve ser objeto do nosso julgamento e da nossa compreensão. Daqui renasce a relevância e a atualidade do legado de Paulo Freire, inspiração imanente de gerações e gerações de pedagogos, irmanados na sublime tarefa de educar com alegria, dedicação e proatividade.
  • Epistemological foundations of research in social sciences
    Publication . Rodrigues, Liliana
    Abstraction, deductive discourse, and logic relegate this primary/first form of knowledge expatriating it in the name of objectivity. But intuition can be the free vision of taskmaster rationality that in metaphor and symbol apprehends the reality from which it is born. The analogy, not being translatable by concepts of understanding, can be experienced by active and existential subjectivity, by the privilege of creation (plastic and artistic) that is expressed in the insinuation of intelligibility. Is the non-submission of research to the rules of the scientific method capital? Allegiance to scientific criteria expels criticism of scientific instruments and methods. Without expressing necessary and universal truths, the research we defend makes possible their existence without their permanence being monolithic and invariant. Truth is no longer absolute, still less valid ad aeternum in space and time.
  • Educação para a proteção civil: políticas e práticas em Portugal
    Publication . Freitas, Gregório Magno de Vasconcelos de; Sousa, Jesus Maria Angélica Fernandes; Góis, Liliana Maria Gonçalves Rodrigues de
    Vivemos numa sociedade em constante mudança e incerteza, que se tornou mais complexa e, inevitavelmente, mais exposta aos riscos que reforçam a sensação de vulnerabilidade e exacerbam o sentimento de insegurança dos cidadãos. A segurança, entendida como um direito fundamental de cidadania, deverá ser um debate prioritário, nomeadamente na definição de políticas de proteção civil, sustentadas e participadas, atendendo à basilar importância que assume no desenvolvimento económico e social do país. Assim, é fundamental a promoção de uma cultura de segurança e bem-estar e de responsabilidade, individual e coletiva, onde a educação, o currículo e a investigação devem assumir papéis basilares na construção de uma cidadania participativa. Neste artigo, recorrendo ao método hermenêutico para interpretar e à dialógica para refletir, iremos analisar, à luz da visão ideológica da educação e do currículo, as políticas de educação para a proteção civil e o papel que a escola deve assumir neste contexto.
  • European Union: the commitment of hope, human rights, equality, development and education
    Publication . Rodrigues, Liliana
    The European Union is strongly committed to the idea of equal rights and respect for difference in all its dimensions. In this reflection I will address the gender perspective and the importance of foreign policies to strengthen strategies and measures that promote education for equality and its implications in terms of health and personal, social, cultural, and economic empowerment. The vulnerability of girls and young women requires a specific focus on gender issues and access to all levels of education. Thus, education is assumed as a commitment to equality, that is, a broad education for behavior changes in relation to gender violence, involving all men, women, boys, girls and communities. In fact, we consider women's rights to be human rights and we want to show why human rights and their empowerment are fundamental to the development of a region and a country.
  • Ethical procedures in scientific research
    Publication . Rodrigues, Liliana
    This work has as its theme the ethical procedures of research and aims to provide a framework of practical guidelines to ensure the protection of all actors involved in the development of scientific knowledge, particularly at the stage of research design and project. This is a theoretical reflection on the ethical dimension of data collection practices and the limits that the researcher should consciously attend to in the scientific research process. For this reflection, I carried out a literature review and a document analysis of several legal documents, highlighting the European directive on data protection. This led to several questions, namely: what documents should be ensured in the research project design process? What is the scope of informed consent and how can anonymity and confidentiality of data be preserved? These and other questions are answered in a thoughtful way for those who understand that there is no science without ethics, nor ethics without conscience. Here the hermeneutic method is the natural choice because it allows the interpretation of questions related to values and principles that must be contextualized. This interpretative analysis requires asking questions related to duty, but also to the norm or law. With this questioning it is hoped that the reader will understand in a systematized way the ethical procedures of research and will be able to draw on a documentary listing of the ethical point of view that will protect the informants, but also the researcher himself and affiliating institutions or participants.
  • The feeling of belonging and inclusion in a european outermost university
    Publication . Rodrigues, L.; Sousa, J. M.; Kotecki, A. F.
    It is our wish to describe the development of a transnational research project, aiming to enhance the feeling of belonging and inclusion, as a way of improving student and staff’s wellbeing, particularly at a university of a European outermost region, Madeira. Even though similar studies have been carried out in other four European universities, this paper is only focused on the University of Madeira. The multiple case study method was used [1-3], based on documentary analysis, surveys and focus group techniques [4] for the collected data triangulation. Inspired in “Impact Gaps Canvas” [5] and the “Six Conditions of Systems Change” [6], the paper wishes to convey a quick view about the process and the results in terms of policy recommendations to improve the feeling of belonging, at the University of Madeira, expecting it has a positive impact on student and staff experience and quality of learning and teaching, according to the literature review.
  • Ética e investigação científica
    Publication . Rodrigues, Liliana
    Esta será uma reflexão teórica sobre a dimensão ética na prática da recolha de dados e, é também, um questionamento ético das práticas da triangulação de dados e dos resultados da investigação. Para tal, recorri ao método hermenêutico e à revisão bibliográfica e documental para consolidar o trabalho que aqui apresento.Que documentos devem ser garantidos no processo do desenho do projeto de investigação? Que dimensão tem o consentimento informado e como preservar o anonimato e confidencialidade dos dados? São essas e outras questões que procurei aqui responder de forma reflexiva com aqueles que compreendem que não há ciência sem ética, nem ética sem consciência.