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Atualmente os sistemas de aquisição de medidas fisiológicas, tais como o eletroencefalograma, o eletrocardiograma e o eletromiograma, são complexos e dispendiosos. Este trabalho visou o desenvolvimento de um protótipo que possa ser considerado um dispositivo de baixo custo, com grande resolução, e que permita a aquisição das medidas fisiológicas referidas anteriormente, num único dispositivo. Tendo sido estudados os diversos equipamentos disponíveis, optou-se por desenvolver o projeto com base num dispositivo da Texas Instruments, o ADS1299, que foi criado com o intuito de servir de andar de entrada em sistemas de instrumentação médica, apresentando 8 canais de medição (expansíveis no máximo a 32, através de multiplexagem de dispositivos), com um custo inferior a 300 €. Este trabalho envolveu a construção do protótipo de aquisição, bem como o desenvolvimento e alteração do código do firmware para o hardware. Diversos testes foram realizados para comparar o desempenho do protótipo desenvolvido face aos dispositivos comerciais de elevado custo e de alto desempenho, disponíveis na Universidade da Madeira. Os resultados obtidos com o protótipo desenvolvido provam que o mesmo pode servir como uma ferramenta de pesquisa, de baixo custo atendendo à relação preço/performance, facilitando a interação cérebro-computador e permitindo criar paradigmas de treino mental do tipo neuro-feedback para pessoas com danos cerebrais.
Currently the systems of acquisition of physiologic measurements, such as electroencephalograms, electrocardiograms and electromyograms, are complex and expensive. This work aimed at developing a low cost prototype with high resolution and allowing the acquisition of the physiologic measurements mentioned above, in a single device. Having studied several available equipment, it was decided to develop the project based on the ADS1299 from Texas Instruments, which was created with the aim to serve as the input stage of a medical measurement instrument having 8 measuring channels (expandable to a maximum of 32 through multiplexing devices), with a cost of less than € 300. This project involved the construction of the acquisition prototype as well as the development and the alteration of the firmware code for the hardware. Several tests were performed to compare the performance of the developed prototype in relation to high cost and high performance commercial devices available at the University of Madeira. The results obtained with the developed prototype prove that it can serve as a low cost research tool given the price/performance ratio, facilitating the brain-computer interaction and allowing the creating of mental training paradigms of the neuro-feedback for people with brain damage.
Currently the systems of acquisition of physiologic measurements, such as electroencephalograms, electrocardiograms and electromyograms, are complex and expensive. This work aimed at developing a low cost prototype with high resolution and allowing the acquisition of the physiologic measurements mentioned above, in a single device. Having studied several available equipment, it was decided to develop the project based on the ADS1299 from Texas Instruments, which was created with the aim to serve as the input stage of a medical measurement instrument having 8 measuring channels (expandable to a maximum of 32 through multiplexing devices), with a cost of less than € 300. This project involved the construction of the acquisition prototype as well as the development and the alteration of the firmware code for the hardware. Several tests were performed to compare the performance of the developed prototype in relation to high cost and high performance commercial devices available at the University of Madeira. The results obtained with the developed prototype prove that it can serve as a low cost research tool given the price/performance ratio, facilitating the brain-computer interaction and allowing the creating of mental training paradigms of the neuro-feedback for people with brain damage.
Medidas fisiológicas Eletroencefalograma Eletrocardiograma Eletromiograma Dispositivos fisiológicos de baixo custo Amplificadores de baixo ruído Physiological measurements Electroencephalogram Electrocardiogram Electromyography Inexpensive physiological devices Low-noise amplifiers Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia