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Experimental dataset from a central composite design with two qualitative independent variables to develop high strength mortars with self-compacting properties

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Fresh and hardening properties of cement-based materials are key factors for correctly choosing the constituent ma terials and their mix proportions. To optimize design-based mortar compositions for specific applications, response mod els are frequently applied to data collected from scientific ap proaches. Here, experimental dataset regarding to a design of experiments carried out in mortars through a central com posite design with five independent variables is presented. Among the five independent variables, four were quan titative ones: Waterv/Cementv, Superplasticyzerm/Powderv, Waterv/Powderv, Sandv/Mortarv. The other independent vari able was a qualitative one: Superplasticiser A or Superplas ticiser B. In total 60 mortar compositions were done: for each qualitative variable a 24 factorial design comprising of 16 treatment combinations enlarged by 8 axial runs plus 6 central runs, resulting in a central composite design with 30 mortar trial mix compositions. The following dependent variables were tested: the D-flow and the t-funnel to evalu ate the fresh properties and the compressive at the age of 24 h and at the age of 28 days to evaluate the hardened properties. Based on this dataset, response models can be ap plied to find optimized mix compositions, with the effect of the two qualitative variables being determined.



Cement Design of experiments Mortar Normensand Response model Superplasticiser . Faculdade de Ciêrncias Exatas e da Engenharia


Maia, L. (2022). Experimental dataset from a central composite design with two qualitative independent variables to develop high strength mortars with self-compacting properties. Data in Brief, 40, 107738.

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