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O tema das emoções tem suscitado muito interesse nos últimos anos em campos distintos como a psicologia, a biologia, as neurociências ou as ciências computacionais. A importância das emoções na vida do indivíduo tem ganho um papel preponderante em estudos e investigações científicas mas, que têm envolvido, maioritariamente, fases mais avançadas do ciclo vital. Por conseguinte, a etapa correspondente à infância mostra ainda muitos aspetos pouco estudados. Tendo em linha de conta que a inteligência emocional, concebida à luz do modelo de habilidades, considera que a competência emocional se inicia com a identificação correta de emoções, ainda na idade pré-escolar, é de uma importância fulcral o estudo desta nas fases inicias do ciclo vital. Esta investigação visa a pré-validação de um teste para avaliar a capacidade de perceber, expressar e valorizar as emoções de crianças em idade pré-escolar, denominado de PERCEVAL V2.0. Através de um estudo exploratório pretendeu-se avaliar esta capacidade numa amostra de 164 crianças residentes na Região Autónoma da Madeira e verificar se o género, a idade e o tipo de escola têm influência nos resultados. A investigação teve, ainda, como objetivo relacionar os resultados do teste com uma série de critérios externos, baseados na perceção das educadoras e que envolvem questões relacionadas com a adaptação pessoal e social das crianças. Os resultados indicam que as emoções mais facilmente identificadas, nesta fase, são a alegria e a tristeza, que não existem muitas diferenças, estatisticamente significativas, entre os grupos estudados e que parece existir uma correlação significativa e positiva com o nível de rendimento académico e uma correlação significativa e negativa com o nível de conflitividade. Apesar de apresentar algumas limitações, por se encontrar no seu estado inicial, o instrumento parece mostrar potencialidades para estudos futuros.
The issue of emotion has raised much interest in recent years in various fields such as psychology, biology, neuroscience and computer science. The importance of emotions in the individual's life has earned a prominent place in the scientific and research studies, but they are, mostly, directed to the later stages of the lifespan. Therefore, the childhood stage shows many aspects that have not yet been addressed. Given that emotional intelligence, as described in ability model, believes that emotional competence begins with the correct identification of emotions in early ages, it is of great importance to study this topic in the early stages of lifespan. Thus, this research aims to test an instrument for assessing the ability to perceive, appreciate and express emotions of preschoolers, called PERCEVAL V2.0. Through an exploratory study this paper aims to assess this ability in a sample of 164 children living in Madeira and verify if gender, age and type of school influence the results. The research also aims to relate the test results with a series of external criteria based on the perception of educators that involve issues of personal and social adaptation of children. The findings suggest that preschooler’s can identify more easily joy and sadness, there are not many significant differences between the groups and appears to be a significant and positive correlation with the level of academic achievement and a significant negative correlation with level of tensions and disputes. Despite showing some limitations, as it is in its initial stages, the instrument seems to show potential for future studies.
The issue of emotion has raised much interest in recent years in various fields such as psychology, biology, neuroscience and computer science. The importance of emotions in the individual's life has earned a prominent place in the scientific and research studies, but they are, mostly, directed to the later stages of the lifespan. Therefore, the childhood stage shows many aspects that have not yet been addressed. Given that emotional intelligence, as described in ability model, believes that emotional competence begins with the correct identification of emotions in early ages, it is of great importance to study this topic in the early stages of lifespan. Thus, this research aims to test an instrument for assessing the ability to perceive, appreciate and express emotions of preschoolers, called PERCEVAL V2.0. Through an exploratory study this paper aims to assess this ability in a sample of 164 children living in Madeira and verify if gender, age and type of school influence the results. The research also aims to relate the test results with a series of external criteria based on the perception of educators that involve issues of personal and social adaptation of children. The findings suggest that preschooler’s can identify more easily joy and sadness, there are not many significant differences between the groups and appears to be a significant and positive correlation with the level of academic achievement and a significant negative correlation with level of tensions and disputes. Despite showing some limitations, as it is in its initial stages, the instrument seems to show potential for future studies.
Emoções Inteligência emocional Competência emocional Idade pré-escolar Emotions Emotional intelligence Emotional competence Preschoolers . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais