O Modelo PERMA de Seligman (2011) postula que o bem-estar é um construto que
envolve cinco grandes pilares: (P) emoções positivas; (E) envolvimento, (R) relações
positivas, (M) significado; e (A) realização pessoal. Neste âmbito a escala PERMA Profiler foi desenvolvida por Butler e Kern (2016a) com base neste modelo. Este
instrumento já foi adaptado e validado em vários outros países: Itália (Giangrasso, 2018),
Alemanha (Wammerl et al., 2019), Grécia (Pezirkianidis et al., 2019), entre outros. Os
resultados desses estudos fornecem, de modo geral, evidências de confiabilidade
adequadas. A presente investigação contou com uma amostra (N = 204) de alunos e
docentes de ensino superior e visa fornecer evidência acerca das características
psicométricas do PERMA-Perfil (Butler & Kern 2016a), da versão adaptada de Pocinho
et al. (2020), para o meio educativo de ensino superior português, assim como avaliar a
consistência interna e fiabilidade da escala. Além do mais, pretende-se compreender as
diferenças encontradas no bem-estar tendo em conta o género, idade e tipo de participante.
Os resultados permitiram constatar: características psicométricas adequadas (Emoções
Positivas, α = .86; Relações, α = .76; Significado, α = .86; Realização, α = .67, Emoções
Negativas, α = .70; Saúde, α = .79), à exceção do fator Envolvimento (α = .57); diferenças
significativas no bem-estar tendo em conta o género (no domínio das relações, emoções
negativas e saúde), a idade (no envolvimento, significado e realização) e o tipo de
participante (num item do fator envolvimento); e uma tendência para um maior bem-estar
docente comparativamente ao bem-estar discente.
Seligman's PERMA Model (2011) postulates that well-being is a construct that involves five major pillars: (P) Positive emotions; (E) Engagement, (R) Relationships, (M) Meaning; and (A) Accomplishment. In this context, the PERMA-Profiler scale was developed by Butler and Kern (2016a) based on this model. This instrument has already been adapted and validated in several other countries: Italy (Giangrasso, 2018), Germany (Wammerl et al., 2019), Greece (Pezirkianidis et al., 2019), among others. The results of these studies generally provide adequate reliability evidence. The present research had a sample (N = 204) of higher education students and teachers and aims to provide evidence about the psychometric characteristics of the PERMA-Profiler (Butler & Kern 2016a), the version adapted from Pocinho et al. (2020), for the Portuguese higher educational environment, as well as to assess the internal consistency and reliability of the scale. Moreover, it is intended to understand the differences found in well-being considering gender, age, and type of participant. The results showed: adequate psychometric characteristics (Positive Emotions, α = .86; Relationships, α = .76; Meaning, α = .86; Accomplishment, α = .67, Negative Emotions, α = .70; Health, α = .79), except for the Engagement factor (α =. 57); significant differences in well-being considering gender (in the relationships, negative emotions, and health domains), age (in engagement, meaning, and accomplishment), and participant type (in one item of the engagement factor); and a tendency toward higher teacher well-being compared to student well-being.
Seligman's PERMA Model (2011) postulates that well-being is a construct that involves five major pillars: (P) Positive emotions; (E) Engagement, (R) Relationships, (M) Meaning; and (A) Accomplishment. In this context, the PERMA-Profiler scale was developed by Butler and Kern (2016a) based on this model. This instrument has already been adapted and validated in several other countries: Italy (Giangrasso, 2018), Germany (Wammerl et al., 2019), Greece (Pezirkianidis et al., 2019), among others. The results of these studies generally provide adequate reliability evidence. The present research had a sample (N = 204) of higher education students and teachers and aims to provide evidence about the psychometric characteristics of the PERMA-Profiler (Butler & Kern 2016a), the version adapted from Pocinho et al. (2020), for the Portuguese higher educational environment, as well as to assess the internal consistency and reliability of the scale. Moreover, it is intended to understand the differences found in well-being considering gender, age, and type of participant. The results showed: adequate psychometric characteristics (Positive Emotions, α = .86; Relationships, α = .76; Meaning, α = .86; Accomplishment, α = .67, Negative Emotions, α = .70; Health, α = .79), except for the Engagement factor (α =. 57); significant differences in well-being considering gender (in the relationships, negative emotions, and health domains), age (in engagement, meaning, and accomplishment), and participant type (in one item of the engagement factor); and a tendency toward higher teacher well-being compared to student well-being.
Bem-estar Psicologia positiva PERMA Características psicométricas Alunos Docentes Well-being Positive psychology Psychometric properties Students Teachers Psicologia da Educação . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades