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O futebol feminino tem tido um crescimento alargado ao longo dos últimos anos em
Portugal, facto facilmente observado pela demografia portuguesa da época transata.
Assim, o objetivo deste estudo passa por compreendermos de que forma existe variação
da carga externa no futebol feminino, tendo em consideração a sua posição em campo e
a participação em treino. No futebol, é possível monitorizar a carga externa através de
sistemas tecnológicos, tais como o Global Positioning System (GPS), que se tornou
indispensável tanto no contexto de treino como no contexto competitivo. Neste estudo
participaram 24 jogadoras (idade = 20.3 ± 3.4 anos) que competiam na 1ª Divisão na
época desportiva 2021/2022. Na totalidade, foram avaliadas 105 unidades de treino,
considerando-se as seguintes variáveis do GPS: (distância percorrida total – DT e
velocidade máxima - VM). Concluindo-se o período de recolha de dados foi processada
uma base de dados resultante de modo a avaliar a eficácia e validade dos parâmetros
através da caraterização dos dados. Como resultados verificou-se que existem diferenças
nas variáveis supracitadas. Na DT, a posição de avançado (5.08 1.44 km) apresentou
valores médios significativamente menores comparativamente às posições de lateral (5.42
1.35 km), médio (5.38 1.49 km) e extremo (5.60 1.44 km). A posição de médio
mostrou valores significativamente mais baixos na VM em relação aos restantes grupos,
sendo as posições de lateral e de extremo as que demonstraram valores mais elevados.
Assim sendo, verifica-se a existência clara de diferenças na carga externa de acordo com
a posição em campo. Os resultados deste estudo reforçam a importância da monitorização
da carga externa durante o processo de treino, permitindo aos treinadores e staff técnico
a adaptação das estratégias e conteúdos de treino de acordo com o perfil das jogadoras.
Women's football has seen widespread growth over the last few years in Portugal, a fact easily observed by the Portuguese demography of the last season. Thus, the objective of this study is to understand how there is variation in the external load in women's football, considering their position on the field and participation in training. In football, it is possible to monitor the external load through technological systems, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), which has become indispensable both in the training context and in the competitive context. In this study, 24 female players (age = 20.3 ± 3.4 years) who competed in the 3rd Division in the 2021/2022 sports season participated. In total, 105 training units were evaluated, considering the following GPS variables: (total distance covered - DT and maximum speed - VM). Concluding the period of data collection, a resulting database was processed to evaluate the effectiveness and validity of the parameters through the characterization of the data. As a result, it was found that there are differences in the variables. In the TD, the forward position (5.08 1.44 km) presented significantly lower mean values compared to the lateral (5.42 1.35 km), medium (5.38 1.49 km) and extreme (5.60 1.44 km) positions. The middle position showed significantly lower values in the VM compared to the other groups, with the lateral and extreme positions showing the highest values. Therefore, there are clear differences in the external load according to the position in the field. The results of this study reinforce the importance of monitoring the external load during the training process, allowing coaches and technical staff to adapt strategies and training content according to the profile of the players.
Women's football has seen widespread growth over the last few years in Portugal, a fact easily observed by the Portuguese demography of the last season. Thus, the objective of this study is to understand how there is variation in the external load in women's football, considering their position on the field and participation in training. In football, it is possible to monitor the external load through technological systems, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), which has become indispensable both in the training context and in the competitive context. In this study, 24 female players (age = 20.3 ± 3.4 years) who competed in the 3rd Division in the 2021/2022 sports season participated. In total, 105 training units were evaluated, considering the following GPS variables: (total distance covered - DT and maximum speed - VM). Concluding the period of data collection, a resulting database was processed to evaluate the effectiveness and validity of the parameters through the characterization of the data. As a result, it was found that there are differences in the variables. In the TD, the forward position (5.08 1.44 km) presented significantly lower mean values compared to the lateral (5.42 1.35 km), medium (5.38 1.49 km) and extreme (5.60 1.44 km) positions. The middle position showed significantly lower values in the VM compared to the other groups, with the lateral and extreme positions showing the highest values. Therefore, there are clear differences in the external load according to the position in the field. The results of this study reinforce the importance of monitoring the external load during the training process, allowing coaches and technical staff to adapt strategies and training content according to the profile of the players.
Futebol feminino Global system position Carga externa Women's soccer Soccer Global System Position and External Load Atividade Física e Desporto .