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A dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre o papel do líder num grupo de dança, constituído por indivíduos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). O campo de investigação foi a Associação dos Amigos da Arte Inclusiva – Dançando com a Diferença. A questão principal que norteou o estudo foi “Qual o papel e a influência do líder no grupo Dançando com a Diferença para a inclusão social dos indivíduos com NEE?”, em que o objetivo foi compreender e analisar o desempenho do líder, de modo a determinar o impacto da liderança para efetivar a inclusão social.
A liderança é um fenómeno atual que orienta e motiva indivíduos para trabalhar em prol dos mesmos objetivos. As NEE são um conceito determinado por fatores de ordem inteletual, social, emocional, motor e cognitivo que influenciam o desenvolvimento das capacidades dos indivíduos. A inclusão social é caraterizada por um movimento que pretende incluir todos os indivíduos com os mesmos direitos e deveres.
Este estudo foi realizado mediante uma abordagem de estudo de caso, porque permitiu explicar e registar os factos que acontecem no contexto real, seguindo o paradigma predominante qualitativo. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados foram a entrevista semiestruturada, os inquéritos por questionário (Questionário Multifactorial da Liderança e o Questionário de Avaliação de Liderança) e a observação não participante.
Os resultados da investigação indicam que o líder adota uma liderança transformacional, contudo apresenta traços da liderança transacional, democrática, participativa e situacional. O ambiente de trabalho é positivo e marcado pela motivação, pela humildade, pela união e cooperação. O empenho do líder desencadeia comportamentos e atitudes inclusivas.
The dissertation presents an investigation of the role leader of a dance group, composed of individuals with special educational needs (SEN). The field of investigation was the Inclusive Art friends Association – Dancing With a Difference. The main question that guided the study was "What is the role and influence of the leader in the group Dancing with the Difference for the social inclusion of individuals with SEN?", the objective was to understand and analyze the leader's performance in order to determine the impact of leadership to realize the social inclusion. Leadership is a current phenomenon that guides and motivates individuals to work towards the same goals. SEN are a concept determined by factors of intellectual, social, emotional, motor and cognitive order that influence the development of individuals' abilities. Social inclusion is considered by a movement that pretend to include all individuals with the same rights and duties. This study was supported through a case study method, because it allowed to explain and record the facts that happen in the real context, following the predominant qualitative paradigm. The data collection instruments were the semi-structured interview, the survey by questionnaire (Multifactorial Questionnaire for Leadership and the Leadership Evaluation Questionnaire) and the non-participant observation. The research results indicate that the leader adopts transformational leadership, however presents transactional, democratic, participatory, and situational traits of leadership. The work environment is positive and marked by motivation, humility, unity and cooperation. The leader's commitment triggers some inclusive behaviors and attitudes.
The dissertation presents an investigation of the role leader of a dance group, composed of individuals with special educational needs (SEN). The field of investigation was the Inclusive Art friends Association – Dancing With a Difference. The main question that guided the study was "What is the role and influence of the leader in the group Dancing with the Difference for the social inclusion of individuals with SEN?", the objective was to understand and analyze the leader's performance in order to determine the impact of leadership to realize the social inclusion. Leadership is a current phenomenon that guides and motivates individuals to work towards the same goals. SEN are a concept determined by factors of intellectual, social, emotional, motor and cognitive order that influence the development of individuals' abilities. Social inclusion is considered by a movement that pretend to include all individuals with the same rights and duties. This study was supported through a case study method, because it allowed to explain and record the facts that happen in the real context, following the predominant qualitative paradigm. The data collection instruments were the semi-structured interview, the survey by questionnaire (Multifactorial Questionnaire for Leadership and the Leadership Evaluation Questionnaire) and the non-participant observation. The research results indicate that the leader adopts transformational leadership, however presents transactional, democratic, participatory, and situational traits of leadership. The work environment is positive and marked by motivation, humility, unity and cooperation. The leader's commitment triggers some inclusive behaviors and attitudes.
Liderança Necessidades educativas especiais Inclusão social Leadership Special needs education Social inclusion Ciências da Educação - Administração Educacional . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais