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O relatório de estágio que se apresenta objetiva a obtenção do grau de Mestre em
Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste sentido, o presente
documento destina-se à partilha, descrição e reflexão das Práticas Pedagógicas
desenvolvidas nas valências da Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, na Escola
Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar e Creche da Nazaré e na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo
com Pré-Escolar das Figueirinhas, mais concretamente, com o grupo da Sala das
Corujinhas e com a turma do 2.ºB.
Organizado em três partes complementares – Enquadramento Teórico, Enquadramento
Metodológico e Intervenção Pedagógica – este relatório procura fundamentar as Práticas
Pedagógicas e refletir sobre as mesmas, partilhando e descrevendo alguns momentos de
aprendizagem desenvolvidos.
Associada a uma educação de qualidade, pretendeu-se evidenciar uma atitude crítico reflexiva face a problemáticas verificadas, recorrendo à metodologia de Investigação Ação. Nesta perspetiva, desenvolveram-se dois projetos que tiveram por base as seguintes
questões-problema: “Como podem as crianças da Sala das Corujinhas desenvolver e
aprimorar a motricidade fina?” e “Como podem os alunos do 2.ºB aprimorar as suas
competências de leitura e escrita?”.
Este relatório é, então, o culminar de tudo aquilo que contribuiu para a minha formação,
bem como para a minha prática profissional futura.
The internship report that is presented, aims to obtain the Master’s Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. In this sense, this document intends to share, describe and reflect the pedagogical practices developed in the valences of Pre-School and 1st Cycle of Basic Education, in the Basic School of the 1st Cycle with Pre-School and Daycare of Nazaré and in the Basic School of the 1st Cycle with Preschool of Figueirinhas, more specifically, with the group of Corujinhas and with the 2nd B Class. Organized in three complementary parts – Theoretical Framework, Methodological Framework and Pedagogical Intervention – this report seeks to support pedagogical practices and reflect on them, sharing and describing some moments of learning developed. For a quality education, it was intended to show a critical-reflexive attitude towards the problems verified, using the Methodology of Action Research. In this perspective, two projects were developed that were based on the following problem questions: "How can the children of the Corujinhas Room develop and improve fine motor skills?" and "How can the students of 2nd B improve their reading and writing skills?". This report is a summary ending part of everything that has contributed to my training as well as to my future professional practice.
The internship report that is presented, aims to obtain the Master’s Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. In this sense, this document intends to share, describe and reflect the pedagogical practices developed in the valences of Pre-School and 1st Cycle of Basic Education, in the Basic School of the 1st Cycle with Pre-School and Daycare of Nazaré and in the Basic School of the 1st Cycle with Preschool of Figueirinhas, more specifically, with the group of Corujinhas and with the 2nd B Class. Organized in three complementary parts – Theoretical Framework, Methodological Framework and Pedagogical Intervention – this report seeks to support pedagogical practices and reflect on them, sharing and describing some moments of learning developed. For a quality education, it was intended to show a critical-reflexive attitude towards the problems verified, using the Methodology of Action Research. In this perspective, two projects were developed that were based on the following problem questions: "How can the children of the Corujinhas Room develop and improve fine motor skills?" and "How can the students of 2nd B improve their reading and writing skills?". This report is a summary ending part of everything that has contributed to my training as well as to my future professional practice.
Educação Pré-Escolar 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Prática pedagógica Investigação Reflexão Pre-School Education 1st Cycle of Basic Education Pedagogical practice Research-action Reflection Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais