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O membro fantasma ou sensação fantasma, ao longo dos anos, têm se destacado por
ser originada de diferentes causas. Pesquisas e estudos mostram que, após uma
amputação, na maioria dos casos, experienciam a sensação de membro fantasma e
em muitos desses casos dolorosos.
A presente tese baseia-se em uma pequena parte deste amplo tópico. Baseada na
terapia de espelho usada na reabilitação e tratamento da dor fantasma. Ao longo do
projeto, nós estudamos quais são os componentes mais relevantes para a
reorganização/reestruturação, a fim de eliminar os sintomas negativos e futuros
distúrbios/perturbações. Associada na relação do cérebro com o corpo, ou seja, as
imagens formadas pelo cérebro em relação ao corpo físico desempenhando um papel
crucial na relação do membro fantasma e da dor no membro fantasma, bem como no
processo de cura e tratamento através de exercícios e no relacionamento da imagem
que o cérebro tem do corpo físico.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo na construção de uma nova abordagem
tecnológica, baseando-se nos princípios e critérios utilizados na terapia de espelho.
A metodologia assenta na criação de um ambiente de realidade virtual controlado
por um dispositivo que captura a atividade muscular em tempo real. Implementado
num jogo baseado em movimentos/exercícios simples e naturais, sem uso de força
ou esforço.
Os elevados resultados verificados e testados, em indivíduos saudáveis e em um
estudo de caso, na redução da dor fantasma, gerando um interesse e motivação, além
de um melhor senso de presença e foco durante o seu uso. Concluindo, o projeto
abre novas direções futuras de como novas abordagens tecnológicas podem ser
usados nas pesquisas médicas na área do membro e na dor fantasma, em ambientes
controlados e contextualizados. Melhorando a eficácia e eficiência, garantindo uma
maior flexibilidade nos diferentes casos de amputação.
The phantom limb or phantom sensation, over the years, has stood out being originated from different causes. Research and studies show that after an amputation, in most cases, they experience the sensation of a phantom limb and in many of those painful feelings. This thesis is based on a small part of this wide topic. Based on the mirror therapy used in rehabilitation and treatment for phantom pain. Throughout the project, we study what are the most relevant components to reorganization/restructuring in order to eliminate negative symptoms and future disturbances. Moreover it is established in the relationship of the brain with the body, that the images formed by the brain in relation to the physical body play a crucial role in the relationship with the phantom limb and phantom limb pain, as well as in the process of healing and treatment throughout exercises and the relationship of the image that the brain has to the physical body. This dissertation aims to build a new technological approach, based on the principles and criteria used in mirror therapy. The methodology is based on the creation of a virtual reality environment controlled by a device which captures the muscle activity in real time. Implemented in a game based on natural and simple effortless exercises without the use of strength. The high results verified and tested, in healthy subjects and in a case study, to reduce phantom pain, generating an interest and motivation, as well as a better sense of presence and focus during its use. In conclusion, the project opens up new future directions of how new technological approaches can be used in medical research in the field of phantom limbs and in phantom pain, in a controlled and contextualized environments and/or movements. Improving effectiveness and efficiency ensuring greater flexibility in different cases of amputation.
The phantom limb or phantom sensation, over the years, has stood out being originated from different causes. Research and studies show that after an amputation, in most cases, they experience the sensation of a phantom limb and in many of those painful feelings. This thesis is based on a small part of this wide topic. Based on the mirror therapy used in rehabilitation and treatment for phantom pain. Throughout the project, we study what are the most relevant components to reorganization/restructuring in order to eliminate negative symptoms and future disturbances. Moreover it is established in the relationship of the brain with the body, that the images formed by the brain in relation to the physical body play a crucial role in the relationship with the phantom limb and phantom limb pain, as well as in the process of healing and treatment throughout exercises and the relationship of the image that the brain has to the physical body. This dissertation aims to build a new technological approach, based on the principles and criteria used in mirror therapy. The methodology is based on the creation of a virtual reality environment controlled by a device which captures the muscle activity in real time. Implemented in a game based on natural and simple effortless exercises without the use of strength. The high results verified and tested, in healthy subjects and in a case study, to reduce phantom pain, generating an interest and motivation, as well as a better sense of presence and focus during its use. In conclusion, the project opens up new future directions of how new technological approaches can be used in medical research in the field of phantom limbs and in phantom pain, in a controlled and contextualized environments and/or movements. Improving effectiveness and efficiency ensuring greater flexibility in different cases of amputation.
Sensação fantasma Membro fantasma Dor fantasma Reabilitação Realidade aumentada Tratamento não medicinal Neuromatrix Sistema sensorial Reabilitação cognitivo-motora Phantom sensation Phantom limb Phantom pain Image Brain Virtual reality Augmented reality Non-medical treatment Neuromatrix Somatosensorial system Cognitive-motor rehabilitation Interactive Media Design . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia