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As casas inteligentes estĆ£o a ganhar popularidade devido aos seus inĆŗmeros
benefĆcios. Atualmente, Ć© cada vez mais crucial simplificar o quotidiano das pessoas. Os
dispositivos inteligentes tĆŖm conquistado um lugar proeminente nas nossas vidas e estĆ£o
cada vez mais integrados nos sistemas domƩsticos, automatizando processos como o
controlo da temperatura ambiente e da iluminaĆ§Ć£o, atravĆ©s de deteĆ§Ć£o de presenƧa de
pessoas, entre outras funƧƵes.
A visĆ£o da Internet das Coisas (IoT) Ć© criar um mundo mais conectado e
inteligente, onde os diversos dispositivos podem recolher informaƧƵes, processar esses
dados e tomar decisƵes de forma autĆ³noma, melhorando a eficiĆŖncia. No entanto, muitas
das tecnologias utilizadas para criar casas inteligentes dependem de dispositivos de uma
Ćŗnica marca e protocolo, o que limita a integraĆ§Ć£o e utilizaĆ§Ć£o de outros dispositivos de
marcas e tecnologias diferentes, que podem ser do interesse dos utilizadores, seja pela
funcionalidade que oferecem, pela disponibilidade em loja ou pelo preƧo.
Neste projeto, foram estudadas e aplicadas soluƧƵes para integrar diversos
dispositivos com diferentes tecnologias numa Ćŗnica plataforma open source. O objetivo
era promover a interoperabilidade entre as mais diversas soluƧƵes de dispositivos,
apresentando soluƧƵes que simplificam a criaĆ§Ć£o da rede para que possa ser integrada em
qualquer ambiente domƩstico, e utilizando hardware de custo reduzido.
Foram objeto de estudo as gateways Hubitat e a Silvercrest da Lidl e uma
plataforma instalada numa Raspberry Pi chamada Home Assistant, procurando-se
explorar nas referidas soluƧƵes as suas diversas funcionalidades, a integraĆ§Ć£o de
dispositivos, a compatibilidade com vĆ”rios dispositivos e a criaĆ§Ć£o de cenĆ”rios domĆ³ticos.
Constatou-se que a plataforma Home Assistant, em comparaĆ§Ć£o com o Hubitat e o
Silvercrest, evidenciou maior compatibilidade com os diferentes sensores/atuadores
disponĆveis no mercado, maior flexibilidade na utilizaĆ§Ć£o de diversos protocolos ou
tecnologias de comunicaĆ§Ć£o, mas tambĆ©m uma maior complexidade para utilizadores sem
experiĆŖncia prĆ©via com a domĆ³tica.
Smart homes are gaining popularity due to their numerous benefits. Currently, it is increasingly crucial to simplify people's daily lives. Smart devices have earned a prominent place in our lives and are becoming more integrated into home systems, automating processes such as temperature control and lighting, through motion detection, among other functions. The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to create a more connected and intelligent world, where devices can collect information, process that data, and make autonomous decisions, improving efficiency. However, many of the technologies used to create smart homes rely on devices from a single brand and using a single protocol, limiting the integration and use of other devices from different brands and different technologies, that may be of interest to the users, because of the functionality they offer, availability in stores, or their price. In this project, solutions were studied and applied to integrate various devices with different technologies into a single open-source platform. The goal was to promote interoperability among the various device solutions, presenting solutions that simplify the creation of the network, so that it can be integrated into any home environment, using low-cost hardware. The Hubitat and Lidl's Silvercrest gateways were studied along with the Home Assistant platform, aiming to explore their various functionalities, device integration, compatibilities, and the creation of home automation scenarios on these platforms. It was found that the Home Assistant platform, compared to Hubitat and Silvercrest, showed greater compatibility with the different sensors/actuators available on the market, greater flexibility in using various communication protocols or technologies, but also greater complexity for users without prior experience with home automation.
Smart homes are gaining popularity due to their numerous benefits. Currently, it is increasingly crucial to simplify people's daily lives. Smart devices have earned a prominent place in our lives and are becoming more integrated into home systems, automating processes such as temperature control and lighting, through motion detection, among other functions. The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to create a more connected and intelligent world, where devices can collect information, process that data, and make autonomous decisions, improving efficiency. However, many of the technologies used to create smart homes rely on devices from a single brand and using a single protocol, limiting the integration and use of other devices from different brands and different technologies, that may be of interest to the users, because of the functionality they offer, availability in stores, or their price. In this project, solutions were studied and applied to integrate various devices with different technologies into a single open-source platform. The goal was to promote interoperability among the various device solutions, presenting solutions that simplify the creation of the network, so that it can be integrated into any home environment, using low-cost hardware. The Hubitat and Lidl's Silvercrest gateways were studied along with the Home Assistant platform, aiming to explore their various functionalities, device integration, compatibilities, and the creation of home automation scenarios on these platforms. It was found that the Home Assistant platform, compared to Hubitat and Silvercrest, showed greater compatibility with the different sensors/actuators available on the market, greater flexibility in using various communication protocols or technologies, but also greater complexity for users without prior experience with home automation.
DomĆ³tica Hubitat Silvercrest Home assistant Home automation Engenharia EletrotĆ©cnica - TelecomunicaƧƵes . Faculdade de CiĆŖncias Exatas e da Engenharia