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Cineastas comerciais conseguem criar estereótipos aplicados a personagens
materializando-os como seres violentos, assassinos e idiotizados. O preconceito cultural
pode se difundir em larga escala pela indústria cultural do cinema uma representação
negativada de segmentos humanos como os albinos. Diante da consideração de uma
antropologia de grupamentos atingidos pelo albinismo, os quais são excluídos pela
sociedade urbana contemporânea estudamos como o cinema enxerga, em linhas gerais,
pessoas com essa condição genética hereditária de problemas de pele (sensibilidade à luz
do sol) e deficiência da visão. Com fundamento numa atitude metodológica crítico
dialética se promoveu a pesquisa e análise fílmica específica; entrevista de cineasta
conciliando com uma leitura bibliográfica existente sobre a temática tendo como autores
principais André Bazin e Henri Lefebvre, além do epistemólogo especialmente convidado
Sigmund Freud. A resultante se expressa pelo diálogo epistemológico verificado diante
de uma nova visão estética fílmica do albinismo.
: Commercial filmmakers manage to create stereotypes applied to characters by materializing them as violent, murderous, and idiotic beings. Cultural prejudice can spread on a large scale in the cultural film industry a negative representation of human segments such as albinos. Faced with the consideration of an anthropology of groups affected by albinism, which are excluded by contemporary urban society, we studied how cinema sees, in general, people with this hereditary genetic condition of skin problems (sensitivity to sunlight) and deficiency of eyesight. Based on a dialectical critical methodological attitude, specific research and film analysis was promoted; interview of a filmmaker reconciling with an existing bibliographic reading on the subject, with André Bazin and Henri Lefebvre as main authors, in addition to the specially invited epistemologist Sigmund Freud. The result is expressed by the epistemological dialogue verified before a new filmic aesthetic vision of albinism.
: Commercial filmmakers manage to create stereotypes applied to characters by materializing them as violent, murderous, and idiotic beings. Cultural prejudice can spread on a large scale in the cultural film industry a negative representation of human segments such as albinos. Faced with the consideration of an anthropology of groups affected by albinism, which are excluded by contemporary urban society, we studied how cinema sees, in general, people with this hereditary genetic condition of skin problems (sensitivity to sunlight) and deficiency of eyesight. Based on a dialectical critical methodological attitude, specific research and film analysis was promoted; interview of a filmmaker reconciling with an existing bibliographic reading on the subject, with André Bazin and Henri Lefebvre as main authors, in addition to the specially invited epistemologist Sigmund Freud. The result is expressed by the epistemological dialogue verified before a new filmic aesthetic vision of albinism.
Albinismo Estranhamento Cidade Realismo Cidade Humanismo Albinism Strangeness City Realism Humanism . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Arruda, N., & Costa, R. (2020). E... se Bazin e Lefebvre se encontrassem com Freud numa sessão de cinema? Anotações para estudo de caso do albinismo na grande tela. Universidade da Madeira.
Universidade da Madeira