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Esta dissertação pretende estudar os espaços expositivos de arte contemporânea, sob
um ponto de vista de gestão cultural. Para tal, o estudo parte da relação entre arte, cultura e
comunicação. Desta forma é fundamental compreender como a multimédia pode contribuir
na aproximação das pessoas com a arte e a cultura. Deseja-se compreender se os locais
culturais regionais passam pelos mesmos problemas que outras instituições localizadas em
metrópoles, ou por estar numa região ultraperiférica as questões se alteram.
Pretende-se analisar a arte contemporânea na Região Autónoma da Madeira fora do
espaço urbano, através do “Estudo de caso: O município da Calheta – Um centro artístico
do século XXI” recaindo sob duas instituições o «MUDAS. Museu de Arte Contemporânea
da Madeira» e a «Galeria dos Prazeres», constando na averiguação: um enquadramento
histórico local e institucional respetivamente; a interpretação de inquéritos realizados aos
seus responsáveis; a análise aos media de comunicação utilizados pelas organizações; no
caso da Galeria dos Prazeres acrescenta-se ainda um relato de experiência profissional de
duas temporadas artísticas; e por fim, porque 2020 foi um ao atípico, este período foi
analisado isoladamente com o objetivo de compreender como as organizações se adaptaram
aos tempos de pandemia.
Na conclusão será possível verificar a importância da formação e profissionalização
na gestão cultural para o crescimento e evolução dos espaços expositivos, quer sejam
museus, galerias ou centros de arte.
This dissertation intends to study the exhibition spaces of contemporary art, from a cultural management point of view. To this end, the study starts from the relationship between art, culture and communication. Thus, it is essential to understand how multimedia can contribute to bringing people closer to art and culture. We want to understand whether regional cultural sites are experiencing the same problems as other institutions located in metropolises, or because they are in an outermost region, the issues change. It is intended to analyse contemporary art in the Autonomous Region of Madeira outside the urban space, through the “Case study: The municipality of Calheta - An artistic center of the 21st century” falling under two institutions the «MUDAS. Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira» and «Galeria dos Prazeres», included in the investigation: a local and institutional historical framework, respectively; the interpretation of inquiries made to those responsible for them; analysis of the media used by organizations; in the case of Galeria dos Prazeres, a professional experience report from two artistic seasons is added; and finally, because 2020 was an atypical one, it was analysed in isolation with the aim of understanding how organizations have adapted to times of pandemic. In conclusion, it will be possible to verify the importance of training and professionalization in cultural management for the growth and evolution of exhibition spaces, whether they are museums, galleries or art centres.
This dissertation intends to study the exhibition spaces of contemporary art, from a cultural management point of view. To this end, the study starts from the relationship between art, culture and communication. Thus, it is essential to understand how multimedia can contribute to bringing people closer to art and culture. We want to understand whether regional cultural sites are experiencing the same problems as other institutions located in metropolises, or because they are in an outermost region, the issues change. It is intended to analyse contemporary art in the Autonomous Region of Madeira outside the urban space, through the “Case study: The municipality of Calheta - An artistic center of the 21st century” falling under two institutions the «MUDAS. Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira» and «Galeria dos Prazeres», included in the investigation: a local and institutional historical framework, respectively; the interpretation of inquiries made to those responsible for them; analysis of the media used by organizations; in the case of Galeria dos Prazeres, a professional experience report from two artistic seasons is added; and finally, because 2020 was an atypical one, it was analysed in isolation with the aim of understanding how organizations have adapted to times of pandemic. In conclusion, it will be possible to verify the importance of training and professionalization in cultural management for the growth and evolution of exhibition spaces, whether they are museums, galleries or art centres.
Museu Centro de arte Galeria Casa da cultura Comunicação Multimédia Museum Art centres Gallery Culture house Communication Multimedia Gestão Cultural . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades