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Contexto: o aumento da incidência do número de doentes crónicos da população portuguesa tornou-se um fenómeno
preocupante com repercussões sociais, económicas e de saúde, estes doentes apresentam níveis de sofrimento variáveis.
Este foco representa uma área de intervenção importante nos cuidados de enfermagem à pessoa em situação paliativa quer
na perspetiva da sua prevenção quer no seu alívio. Objetivo: analisar a perceção do doente oncológico em situação paliativa
quanto ao sofrimento e às suas várias dimensões. Metodologia: desenhou-se um estudo descritivo-correlacional com dimensão
transversal. Aplicou-se o Inventário de Experiências Subjetivas de Sofrimento na Doença a 38 doentes em situação paliativa,
internados num serviço de cirurgia e hemato-oncologia e que tivessem mais de 18 anos. Resultados: os doentes evidenciaram
níveis intermédios de sofrimento global e observou-se a existência de correlação significativa entre a idade e a dimensão do
sofrimento sócio relacional. Conclusão: pensamos ter contribuído para alicerçar de uma forma estruturada a importância desta
área de intervenção do enfermeiro à pessoa em situação paliativa e desenvolver intervenções ao nível da prevenção e alívio do
sofrimento destes doentes.
Context: the increase in the number of chronically ill people in the Portuguese population has become a worrying phenomenon with social, economic and health repercussions, and with patients having varying degrees of suffering. This issue is an important area of nursing intervention for people at the palliative stage, whether from a preventive perspective or for the relief of suffering. Objectives: to analyze perceptions of the situation of cancer patients with regard to suffering and its various dimensions. Methodology: a descriptive-correlational study with a cross-sectional dimension was designed. We administered the Inventory of Subjective Experiences of Suffering to 38 patients in a palliative situation who had been admitted to surgical and hematology-oncology services and who were over 18 years of age. Results: patients showed intermediate levels of global suffering and a significant correlation was observed between age and the social relational dimension of distress. Conclusion: we believe that we have identified in a structured way the importance of this area of nursing intervention for people in a palliative situation and for the development of interventions for the prevention and relief of suffering of these patients.
Context: the increase in the number of chronically ill people in the Portuguese population has become a worrying phenomenon with social, economic and health repercussions, and with patients having varying degrees of suffering. This issue is an important area of nursing intervention for people at the palliative stage, whether from a preventive perspective or for the relief of suffering. Objectives: to analyze perceptions of the situation of cancer patients with regard to suffering and its various dimensions. Methodology: a descriptive-correlational study with a cross-sectional dimension was designed. We administered the Inventory of Subjective Experiences of Suffering to 38 patients in a palliative situation who had been admitted to surgical and hematology-oncology services and who were over 18 years of age. Results: patients showed intermediate levels of global suffering and a significant correlation was observed between age and the social relational dimension of distress. Conclusion: we believe that we have identified in a structured way the importance of this area of nursing intervention for people in a palliative situation and for the development of interventions for the prevention and relief of suffering of these patients.
Cuidados paliativos Pacientes Oncologia Palliative care Patients Oncology . Escola Superior de Saúde
Alves, M. L. S. D., Jardim, M. H. D. A. G., & Freitas, O. M. S. (2012). Sofrimento do doente oncológico em situação paliativa. Revista de enfermagem referência, 3(8), 115-124.
Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde - Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra