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Numa época marcada pela globalização e mundialização dos problemas, mas também pela procura simultânea da preservação das raízes locais e identitárias, novas exigências sociais emergem, confrontando a escola e os professores com a necessidade de se ajustarem às novas realidades. Tal adaptação passa por construírem respostas cada vez mais flexíveis e diferenciadas, numa sociedade que se revela mais heterogénea e desigual, pelo que “a diversificação e a gestão local do currículo”, deve ser a resposta, assumindo o Projecto Curricular de Turma (PCT), neste contexto, uma relevância particular.
A investigação que agora se apresenta pretende analisar, de forma crítica e fundamentada, as perspectivas conceptuais e as práticas dos professores duma escola do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico do Funchal – RAM, no campo da reorganização curricular para este nível de ensino, estabelecida pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 6/2001, e no âmbito da inovação pedagógica, procurando entender até que ponto o PCT serve de instrumento para uma gestão curricular flexível e adaptada à diversidade das turmas a que se destina.
Neste estudo, a recolha de dados implicou uma abordagem qualitativa, consubstanciada pela análise de conteúdo de documentos referentes às entrevistas, aos questionários, aos Projectos da escola (PEE e PCE) e aos Projectos das professoras envolvidas no mesmo (PCT), e também às observações levadas a cabo nas respectivas turmas.
Não obstante as limitações que um trabalho desta natureza apresenta, os resultados obtidos apontam para alguma modificação na procura de novas formas de acção pedagógica, embora não seja ainda a mudança desejada. Percebemos que as professoras, de um modo geral, dominam a noção de PCT e as concepções a ele inerentes, reconhecem as vantagens da sua elaboração, nomeadamente, na mudança/inovação e na melhoria das ofertas educativas para os alunos, com benefícios ao nível das suas aprendizagens e das aquisições sociais. No entanto, também percebemos que falta melhorar alguns aspectos, sobretudo na acção docente, se queremos uma mudança significativa nas práticas.
De qualquer forma, ficou evidente a necessidade de uma maior aposta na formação dos professores, ao nível da formação inicial e contínua, de modo a promover uma “cultura de projecto” e a dotá-los com as ferramentas próprias que lhes possibilitem práticas inovadoras e que os ajude na construção de PCT com sentido, numa escola para todos.
At a time characterised by not only the globalization of problems, but also by the simultaneous search for the preservation of the local roots, new social requirements emerge, collating the school and the teachers with the need of adjusting themselves to the new realities. Such adaptation implies more flexible and differentiated answers, in a more heterogeneous and unequal society, for what “the diversity and the local management of the curriculum”, must be the answer, assuming the Curricular Class Project (PCT), in this context, a particular relevance. The inquiry that now is presented intends to analyze, in a critical way, the conceptual perspectives and practices of the Basic School Teachers of Funchal – RAM, in the field of the curricular reorganization for this level of education, established for the Decree n.º 6/2001, and in the scope of the pedagogical innovation, to understand in which way the PCT is an instrument for a flexible curricular management and adapted to the diversity of the aimed teaching degrees. In this case-study, the retraction of data implied a qualitative approach, consubstantiated by the content analysis of documents referring to interviews, questionnaires, School Projects (PEE and PCE) and projects involving teachers in the same PCT, and also by class observation. In spite of the limitations that a work of this nature presents, the results achieved point out to some change in the search of new ways of pedagogical action, even if it is the desired change yet. We perceive that teachers, in a general way, dominate the notion of PCT and the inherent conceptions of it, they recognize the advantages of its elaboration, particularly, in the change/innovation and the improvement of the educational offers for pupils, with benefits to the level of their achievements and the social acquisitions. However, we also perceive that some improvements are still lacking mainly in the teaching practice, if we want a significant change. Anyway, it is clear that it must be spent more time and efforts in teacher education at the level of initial and continuous education, in order to promote a “culture of Project” creating conditions for an innovative practice and helping them to build meaningful PCT, in a school for all.
At a time characterised by not only the globalization of problems, but also by the simultaneous search for the preservation of the local roots, new social requirements emerge, collating the school and the teachers with the need of adjusting themselves to the new realities. Such adaptation implies more flexible and differentiated answers, in a more heterogeneous and unequal society, for what “the diversity and the local management of the curriculum”, must be the answer, assuming the Curricular Class Project (PCT), in this context, a particular relevance. The inquiry that now is presented intends to analyze, in a critical way, the conceptual perspectives and practices of the Basic School Teachers of Funchal – RAM, in the field of the curricular reorganization for this level of education, established for the Decree n.º 6/2001, and in the scope of the pedagogical innovation, to understand in which way the PCT is an instrument for a flexible curricular management and adapted to the diversity of the aimed teaching degrees. In this case-study, the retraction of data implied a qualitative approach, consubstantiated by the content analysis of documents referring to interviews, questionnaires, School Projects (PEE and PCE) and projects involving teachers in the same PCT, and also by class observation. In spite of the limitations that a work of this nature presents, the results achieved point out to some change in the search of new ways of pedagogical action, even if it is the desired change yet. We perceive that teachers, in a general way, dominate the notion of PCT and the inherent conceptions of it, they recognize the advantages of its elaboration, particularly, in the change/innovation and the improvement of the educational offers for pupils, with benefits to the level of their achievements and the social acquisitions. However, we also perceive that some improvements are still lacking mainly in the teaching practice, if we want a significant change. Anyway, it is clear that it must be spent more time and efforts in teacher education at the level of initial and continuous education, in order to promote a “culture of Project” creating conditions for an innovative practice and helping them to build meaningful PCT, in a school for all.
Projecto curricular Inovação curricular 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Madeira (Portugal) Educação, área de Inovação Pedagógica . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais