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Atualmente, Ć© essencial acompanhar e visualizar os resultados de um evento desportivo em tempo real.
Longe vĆ£o os tempos em que era aceitĆ”vel publicar uma lista em papel com os resultados de um evento.
A realizaĆ§Ć£o e o acompanhamento de um evento desportivo envolvem uma grande quantidade de dados,
bem como a interligaĆ§Ć£o de diferentes sistemas. Os eventos de trail running tĆŖm caracterĆsticas Ćŗnicas,
pois decorrem em zonas, muitas vezes, remotas, em percursos com elevado grau de complexidade e
obstƔculos naturais que podem pƓr em risco a vida do atleta.
Apesar da existĆŖncia de uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o que permite acompanhar os eventos, a mesma apresenta alguns
problemas como a falta de algumas funcionalidades na interaĆ§Ć£o com o pĆŗblico, dificuldade na
escalabilidade e desempenho. Existem ainda algumas limitaƧƵes a nĆvel arquitetural que dificultam a
integraĆ§Ć£o com outras aplicaƧƵes.
Para atingir os objetivos propostos, nomeadamente, solucionar problemas de desempenho, interligar as
diversas aplicaƧƵes e aumentar as funcionalidades, optou-se por desenvolver uma nova arquitetura
multicomponente, separando os componentes essenciais e facilitando a escalabilidade do sistema.
Decidiu-se, ainda, desenvolver uma API de modo a facilitar a interligaĆ§Ć£o em seguranƧa das diferentes
aplicaƧƵes. Por fim, desenvolveu-se uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o pĆŗblica que permite ao pĆŗblico acompanhar a prova,
atravĆ©s da apresentaĆ§Ć£o de resultados e estatĆsticas em tempo real, e que presta, simultaneamente,
apoio Ć organizaĆ§Ć£o, nomeadamente, no apuramento dos vencedores, deteĆ§Ć£o de irregularidades e
verificaĆ§Ć£o da chegada de todos os participantes em seguranƧa.
ApĆ³s o desenvolvimento das aplicaƧƵes foram efetuados testes de desempenho utilizando uma
ferramenta especĆfica que permite analisar o comportamento das mesmas em diferentes cenĆ”rios de
utilizaĆ§Ć£o. Estes testes permitiram afinar a estrutura para os diferentes eventos. Por fim, foi solicitado
aos utilizadores o preenchimento de um breve questionĆ”rio sobre o grau de satisfaĆ§Ć£o em relaĆ§Ć£o Ć
Analisando os resultados dos testes efetuados, assim como o feedback dos utilizadores (proveniente dos
inquĆ©ritos), Ć© possĆvel concluir que a aplicaĆ§Ć£o superou todas as expectativas e cumpre todos os objetivos
inicialmente propostos.
Currently it is essential to monitor and visualize the results of a sporting event in real-time. Gone are the days when it was acceptable to publish a paper list of the results of an event. The realization and monitoring of a sporting event involves a large amount of data, as well as the interconnection of different systems. Trail running events have unique characteristics, as they take place in often remote areas, on routes with a high degree of complexity and natural obstacles that can endanger the athlete's life. Despite the existence of an application that allows the following of the events, it presents some problems such as lack of some features in the interaction with the public, difficulty in scalability and performance. Some architectural limitations make integration with other applications difficult. To achieve the proposed objectives, namely to solve performance problems, interconnect the various applications and increase the functionalities, it was decided to develop a new multi-component architecture, separating the essential components and facilitating the scalability of the system. It was also decided to develop an API to facilitate a secure interconnection of the different applications. Finally, a public application was developed that allows the public to follow the competition, through the presentation of results and statistics in real-time, and that simultaneously provides support to the organization, namely in determining the winners, detecting irregularities and verifying the arrival of all participants safely. After the development of the applications, performance tests were carried out using a specific tool that allows to analyze their behavior in different usage scenarios. These tests made it possible to fine-tune the structure for the different events. Finally, users were asked to complete a short questionnaire concerning the degree of satisfaction with the application. Analyzing the results of the tests carried out, as well as the users' feedback (from the surveys), it is possible to conclude that the application exceeded all expectations and fulfills all the objectives initially proposed.
Currently it is essential to monitor and visualize the results of a sporting event in real-time. Gone are the days when it was acceptable to publish a paper list of the results of an event. The realization and monitoring of a sporting event involves a large amount of data, as well as the interconnection of different systems. Trail running events have unique characteristics, as they take place in often remote areas, on routes with a high degree of complexity and natural obstacles that can endanger the athlete's life. Despite the existence of an application that allows the following of the events, it presents some problems such as lack of some features in the interaction with the public, difficulty in scalability and performance. Some architectural limitations make integration with other applications difficult. To achieve the proposed objectives, namely to solve performance problems, interconnect the various applications and increase the functionalities, it was decided to develop a new multi-component architecture, separating the essential components and facilitating the scalability of the system. It was also decided to develop an API to facilitate a secure interconnection of the different applications. Finally, a public application was developed that allows the public to follow the competition, through the presentation of results and statistics in real-time, and that simultaneously provides support to the organization, namely in determining the winners, detecting irregularities and verifying the arrival of all participants safely. After the development of the applications, performance tests were carried out using a specific tool that allows to analyze their behavior in different usage scenarios. These tests made it possible to fine-tune the structure for the different events. Finally, users were asked to complete a short questionnaire concerning the degree of satisfaction with the application. Analyzing the results of the tests carried out, as well as the users' feedback (from the surveys), it is possible to conclude that the application exceeded all expectations and fulfills all the objectives initially proposed.
AplicaĆ§Ć£o APl Arquitetura Desempenho Framework Trail Application Architecture Performance Eventos desportivos Engenharia InformĆ”tica . Faculdade de CiĆŖncias Exatas e da Engenharia