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- Simple computation of ignition voltage of self-sustaining gas dischargesPublication . Almeida, P. G. C.; Almeida, R. M. S.; Ferreira, N. G. C.; Naidis, G. V.; Benilov, M. S.A robust, fast, and accurate numerical method is proposed for finding the voltage of the ignition of DC self-sustaining gas discharges in a wide range of conditions. The method is based on physical grounds and builds up from the idea that the ignition of a self-sustaining gas discharge should be associated with a resonance that would occur in a non-self-sustained discharge in the same electrode configuration. Examples of the application of the method are shown for various configurations: parallel-plate discharge, coaxial and wire-to-plane corona discharges, and a discharge along a dielectric surface. The results conform to the conventional Townsend breakdown condition for the parallel-plate configuration and are in good agreement with existing experimental data for the other configurations. The method has the potential of providing a reference point for optimization of the hold-off capability of high-power switchgear operating in low-frequency fields.
- What is the mathematical meaning of Steenbeck's principle of minimum power in gas discharge physics?Publication . Benilov, M. S.; Naidis, G. V.It is shown that Steenbeck’s principle of minimum power, or voltage, for discharges with fixed current is not a corollary of the principle of minimum entropy production, in contrast to what is frequently assumed; besides, the latter principle itself does not provide a reasonable approximation in gas discharge physics. Similarly, Steenbeck’s principle is not a corollary of mathematical models of gas discharges. Hence, this principle contradicts the mathematical models. A methodically correct evaluation of the error caused by the use of Steenbeck’s principle requires a comparison of a solution obtained with the use of this principle with an exact solution to the same problem, rather than with experimental results or results deemed reasonable from the point of view of common sense. Such a comparison is performed for two examples from the theory of a cylindrical arc column. The examples show that the error incurred by the usage of Steenbeck’s principle is uncontrollable and may be unacceptably high.
- Transition from a fully ionized plasma to an absorbing surfacePublication . Almeida, N. A.; Benilov, M. S.; Franklin, R. N.; Naidis, G. V.The ionization layer (presheath) separating a fully ionized low-temperature thermal plasma from the space-charge sheath adjacent to a solid surface is described by means of a (multi)fluid model. The character of the solution is governed by α, the ratio of the ionization length to the mean free path for ion–atom collisions. If α 1, the solution is determined by physically transparent boundary conditions, namely, by the Bohm criterion at the sheath edge and the condition of full ionization on the plasma side of the ionization layer. If α<1, the latter condition becomes ineffective. An alternative boundary condition is found for a certain range of α below unity, αcr α<1. An approximate approach which spans the whole range of α is suggested. While being incomplete theoretically, this approach is sufficient for practical purposes and gives results that are in agreement with experiment. On the other hand, the question of what is the lacking boundary condition in the range 0 <α<α cr remains open and challenging.
- Modelling interaction of multispecies plasmas with thermionic cathodesPublication . Benilov, M. S.; Cunha, M. D.; Naidis, G. V.The model of the near-cathode plasma, developed previously for the case of a single-species plasma-producing gas, is generalized for the case of multiple plasma-producing species. Results are presented of calculation of a diffuse mode of current transfer to tungsten cathodes in a mercury plasma with an addition of sodium. It is found that the presence of 1% of sodium results in a considerable expansion of the range of stability of the diffuse mode.
- Computational and experimental study of time-averaged characteristics of positive and negative DC corona discharges in point-plane gaps in atmospheric airPublication . Ferreira, Nuno G. C.; Almeida, Pedro G. C.; Benilov, Mikhail S.; Panarin, Victor A.; Skakun, Victor S.; Tarasenko, Victor F.; Naidis, George V.The use of stationary solvers instead of approximate solution methods or time-dependent solvers, which are standard tools in gas discharge modeling, allows one to develop a very fast and robust numerical model for studying the time-averaged characteristics of dc corona discharges. Such an approach is applied to dc corona discharges in point-plane gaps in ambi ent air. A wide range of currents of both voltage polarities and various gap lengths are investigated, and the simulation results are validated by comparing the computed current–voltage characteristics and spatial distributions of the radiation intensity with experimental results. Specific features of the numerical and experimental results at both polarities are discussed.
- Simulation of pre-breakdown discharges in high-pressure air: II. Effect of surface protrusionsPublication . Ferreira, N. G. C.; Naidis, G. V.; Benilov, M. S.Analysis of deviations from the similarity law, observed at high and very high pressures in experiments on discharge ignition and breakdown in corona-like configurations, can serve as a useful, albeit inevitably indirect, source of information about microprotrusions on the surface of the electrodes. In this work, such analysis was performed by means of 2D numerical modelling. Conical or cylindrical protrusions on the surface of the inner electrode were studied and the kinetic scheme includes the electrons, one species of positive ions, and negative ions O− 2 , O−, and O− 3 . It is shown that the deviations from the similarity law, observed in the experiment, may indeed be attributed to enhanced ionization of air molecules in regions of amplified electric field near the microprotrusions. A qualitative agreement with the experiment in all the cases is achieved for protrusion heights of the order of 50 µm. Such values may appear rather high, however there is no other explanation in sight at present. The enhancement of the field electron emission from the surface of the negative electrode due to the amplification of the electric field on the microprotrusion was estimated and found insignificant in the range of values of the protrusion aspect ratio where the enhanced ionization in the gas phase is already appreciable.
- Unified modelling of near-cathode plasma layers in high-pressure arc dischargesPublication . Almeida, N. A.; Benilov, M. S.; Naidis, G. V.A model of a near-cathode region in high-pressure arc discharges is developed in the framework of the hydrodynamic (diffusion) approximation. Governing equations are solved numerically in 1D without any further simplifications, in particular, without explicitly dividing the near-cathode region into a space-charge sheath and a quasi-neutral plasma. Results of numerical simulation are reported for a very high-pressure mercury arc and an atmospheric-pressure argon arc. Physical mechanisms dominating different sections of the near-cathode region are identified. It is shown that the near-cathode space-charge sheath is of primary importance under conditions of practical interest. Physical bases of simplified models of the near-cathode region in high-pressure arc discharges are analysed. A comparison of results given by the present model with those given by a simplified model has revealed qualitative agreement; the agreement is not only qualitative but also quantitative in the case of an atmospheric-pressure argon plasma at moderate values of the near-cathode voltage drop. The modelling data are compared with results of spectroscopic measurements of the electron temperature and density in the near-cathode region.
- Simulation of pre-breakdown discharges in high-pressure air. I: The model and its application to corona inceptionPublication . Ferreira, N. G. C.; Santos, D. F. N.; Almeida, P. G. C.; Naidis, G. V.; Benilov, M. S.A ‘minimal’ kinetic model of plasmachemical processes in low-current discharges in high pressure air is formulated, which takes into account electrons, an effective species of positive ions, and three species of negative ions. The model is implemented as a part of numerical model of low-current quasi-stationary discharges in high-pressure air based on the use of stationary solvers, which offer important advantages in simulations of steady-state discharges compared to standard approaches that rely on time-dependent solvers. The model is validated by comparison of the computed inception voltage of corona discharges with several sets of experimental data on glow coronas. A good agreement with the experiment has been obtained for positive coronas between concentric cylinders in a wide range of pressures and diameters of the cylinders. The sensitivity of the computation results with respect to different factors is illustrated. Inception voltages of negative coronas, computed using the values of the secondary electron emission coefficient of 10−4 –10−3 , agree well with the experimental data. A simplified kinetic model for corona discharges in air, which does not include conservation equations for negative ion species, has been proposed and validated. Modelling of positive coronas in rod-to-plane electrode configuration has been performed and the computed inception voltage was compared with experimental data.
- Investigating near-anode plasma layers of very high-pressure arc dischargesPublication . Almeida, N. A.; Benilov, M. S.; Hechtfischer, U.; Naidis, G. V.Numerical and experimental investigation of near-anode layers of very high-pressure arcs in mercury and xenon is reported. The simulation is performed by means of a recently developed numerical model in which the whole of a near-electrode layer is simulated in the framework of a single set of equations without simplifying assumptions such as thermal equilibrium, ionization equilibrium and quasi-neutrality and which was used previously for a simulation of the near-cathode plasma layers. The simulation results support the general understanding of similarities and differences between plasma–cathode and plasma–anode interaction in high-pressure arc discharges established in preceding works. In particular, the anode power input is governed primarily by, and is approximately proportional to, the arc current. In the experiment, the spectral radiance from the electrodes and the near-electrode regions in xenon arcs was recorded. The derived total anode power input and near-anode plasma radiance distribution agree reasonably well with the simulation results.
- Comment on “Electric field measurements under DC corona discharges in ambient air by electric field induced second harmonic generation” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 244101 (2019)]Publication . Ferreira, N. G. C.; Almeida, P. G. C.; Benilov, M. S.; Naidis, G. V.