Research Project
Transdisciplinary Research Centre «Culture, Space and Memory»
Port wine and Madeira wine (1932-1933 and 1940-1972): a different path to the Appellation of Controlled Origin (AOC) system
Publication . Câmara, Benedita
The chapter examines the differences in the regulatory role of the State in two Portuguese forti fied wines destined for export. We will analyse how the Estado Novo (dictatorial regime in Portugal
1933-1974) regulated Madeira wine and Port wine and how the impact on product differentiation was
diverse. Given the product differentiation achieved by the Champagne sparkling wine sector, we will high light the similarities between its regulation process during the interwar period and that of the Port wine
sector. We will also show how Portuguese regulation owed much to the OIV’s guidelines, which in turn were
aligned with those of France. The study argues that the changes in regulation, by providing a means of
avoiding imitation and creating standards, were important in a context where there was much adulte ration. This had an impact on the long-term reputation of the industry and on the survival of the Port and
Madeira wine companies, as well as explaining the resistance of the latter.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number