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Autohydrolysis of Annona cherimola Mill. seeds: optimization, modeling and products characterization
Publication . Branco, P. C.; Dionísio, A.M.; Torrado, I.; Carvalheiro, F.; Castilho, P. C.; Duarte, L.C.
Annona cherimola Mill. seeds are a residue of the industrial processing of this fruit, for which, presently, there is no industrial application. They have a considerable amount of oil, which can be converted into biodiesel, but the remaining lignocellulosic fraction still needs relevant added-value valorization routes. Inthis work,the selectivehemicelluloses removal by autohydrolysis was optimizedaiming tomaximize the yield of oligosaccharides with potential applications in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. A maximum of 10.4 g L−1 of oligosaccharides was obtained, for a severity factor of 3.6, where 74.5% of the original hemicellulose was solubilized. The process kinetics is presented, modeled (based on the Arrhenius equation) and its scale-up is dis cussed. The hydrolyzate shelf-life was evaluated and the produced oligosaccharides are stable at room temperature for, at least, 3 weeks. Furthermore, all oligosaccharides are also stable at 100 ◦C for 1 h, in pH values between 1 and 11, enabling their industrial processing, and at 37 ◦C for 3 h, in pH values between 1 and 3, thus indicating its potential classification as non-digestible oligosaccharides. The remaining cel lulose enriched solids presented an increased enzymatic digestibility (as a function of the autohydrolysis severity) that assures its efficient use in subsequent processes (e.g., bioethanol production). The upgrade route developed in this work in combination to the previously reported use of A. cherimola seed oil for biodiesel production can lead to an integrated zero-waste valorization strategy within the biorefinery framework.
Characterization of Annona cherimola mill. Seed oil from Madeira Island: a possible biodiesel feedstock
Publication . Branco, Pedro Costa; Castilho, Paula C.; Rosa, Maria Fernanda; Ferreira, Juan
The possibility of using Annona seed oil as an added value product, namely as a source of biodiesel, is explored. Milled Annona seeds were extracted with hexane at room temperature (72 h) and at solvent boiling point (6 h). Oil content was found to be 25 and 22.4% respec tively. The oil was characterized in terms of lipid compo sition (HPLC–APCI–MS and 13C NMR), resistance to oxidation and acidity index. FAME composition was determined by GC–MS and five major peaks were identi fied. Production of biodiesel from Annona’s seed oil was achieved by base-catalyzed transesterification. Density, viscosity, refraction coefficient, acid value, cold filter plugging point, cloud point and oxidation stability were measured. The iodine value and the ‘‘apparent cetane number’’ were calculated. Density, viscosity, acid value, iodine value, cold filter plugging point and cloud point were within EN14214 specifications and the calculated ‘‘apparent cetane number’’ was also indicative of a suitable product.

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Funding agency

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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