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Propomo-nos analisar o uso do símile no poema épico de Trifiodoro (Ἰλίου ἅλωσις). A partir da identificação dos símiles no poema, procuraremos (i) classificá-los por temáticas, (ii) estabelecer uma relação com o contexto narrativo e com a própria estrutura do poema e (iii) comparar o seu efeito retórico com aquele que o símile produz nos Poemas Homéricos. Para enquadrar a dinâmica do símile no poema, será necessário recorrer aos princípios teóricos de alguns tratados ou manuais da retórica clássica.
The aim of this paper is analysing how Triphiodorus uses the simile in his epic poem (Ἰλίου ἅλωσις). After identifying the similes in the poem, we will try to: 1) classify them thematically; 2) establish a relation with the narrative context, and 3) compare its rhetorical effects to the effects created in the Homeric Poems. In order to contextualize the dynamics generated in the poem by the use of the simile, it will be necessary to resort to the theoretical principles established in rhetorical treatises or handbooks.
The aim of this paper is analysing how Triphiodorus uses the simile in his epic poem (Ἰλίου ἅλωσις). After identifying the similes in the poem, we will try to: 1) classify them thematically; 2) establish a relation with the narrative context, and 3) compare its rhetorical effects to the effects created in the Homeric Poems. In order to contextualize the dynamics generated in the poem by the use of the simile, it will be necessary to resort to the theoretical principles established in rhetorical treatises or handbooks.
Símile Retórica Trifiodoro Poesia homérica Ciclo troiano Simile Rhetoric Triphiodorus Homeric poetry Trojan cycle . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
PINHEIRO, Joaquim. O uso do símile no poema A tomada de Tróia de Trifiodoro. Humanitas, [S.l.], v. 72, p. 65-82, jul. 2018. ISSN 2183-1718. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 set. 2018.
Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra