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No género biográfico, a narrativa termina, em geral, com a descrição das circunstâncias da morte do biografado. Como Plutarco, nas Vidas, nem sempre segue este mesmo padrão, propomo-nos identificar as principais formas de conclusão das biografias. Depois, partindo de uma selecção de bíoi suficientemente representativos das diversas tipologias, analisaremos as variações e o sentido que a morte do herói confere à sua caracterização ético-moral.
In the biographical literary genre, the narrative usually ends with the description of the circumstances of the hero’s death. As Plutarch, in his Lives, does not always follows this pattern, in this study we will identify the main forms of the conclusion of the biographies. Then, starting from a selection of bioi sufficiently representative of the different typologies identified, we will analyse the variations and the sense that the death of the hero confers to its ethical and moral characterization.
In the biographical literary genre, the narrative usually ends with the description of the circumstances of the hero’s death. As Plutarch, in his Lives, does not always follows this pattern, in this study we will identify the main forms of the conclusion of the biographies. Then, starting from a selection of bioi sufficiently representative of the different typologies identified, we will analyse the variations and the sense that the death of the hero confers to its ethical and moral characterization.
Plutarco Vidas Paralelas Morte Biografia Plutarch Lives Death Biography . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Pinheiro, J. (2018). A contextualização temática da morte nas biografias de Plutarco: alguns exemplos. Classica-Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos, 31(2), 101-112.
Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos