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A importância da intervenção psicológica no contexto escolar motiva-nos para um estudo que identifique estratégias eficazes com vista a apoiar e ajudar os alunos com Dificuldades de Aprendizagem (DA), nomeadamente através dos psicólogos escolares. Este estudo apresenta uma investigação do estado da arte da pesquisa sobre as dificuldades de aprendizagem, avaliação e intervenção no contexto escolar. O estudo teve como objetivos a clarificação do conceito DA e a identificação de estratégias de avaliação e intervenção psicológica em contexto escolar baseadas na evidência. Para tal, foi desenvolvida uma revisão sistemática da literatura, em que se constituiu uma amostra de estudos no âmbito da definição, avaliação e intervenção nas DA. Pretendeu-se, numa primeira fase, identificar e analisar os conceitos e métodos indicados por associações científicas e profissionais relevantes e autores. Na segunda fase, a da pesquisa, incidiu-se sobre os estudos de avaliação psicológica e intervenção que evidenciavam eficácia na intervenção com base nos resultados e conclusões. O corpus sobre o qual incidiu a nossa amostra é composto de estudos empíricos e revisões de literatura entre 1990 e 2015. Foram encontradas e categorizadas 41 obras, analisadas com o objetivo de responder às nossas questões de investigação. Os resultados relevaram vertentes que compreendem as DA das seguintes formas: como problema essencialmente psicológico; como um problema cognitivo, psicossocial e socioeconómico; como uma questão política da instituição-professores e ausência de currículos adaptados; como uma questão fundamentalmente familiar. Na avaliação psicológica, incide-se sobre os domínios: autoperceção; adaptação; discrepâncias do insucesso; autoeficácia; autoconceito; comportamentos; desempenho escolar (leitura, escrita e cálculo); memória; habilidades metalinguísticas; psicomotricidade; comparação entre os três diagnósticos mais frequentes dificuldades de aprendizagem, dificuldades especificas e Transtorno de Atenção e Hiperatividade. As intervenções, do tipo preventivo e remediativo, incidem maioritariamente, nas estratégias de aprendizagem, sobre autoconceito e autorregulação, nas implicações da compreensão da morfologia e alfabetização e implicações da compreensão morfologica, terapia da fala e alfabetização.
The importance of psychological intervention in the school context motivated us to a study aiming at identifying effective strategies to support students with Learning Disabilities (LD), namely through the role of school psychologists. This study presents an investigation of the state of the art of research on LD, their evaluation and intervention in the school context.This research aimed at understanding the concept of LD and identifying evidence-based strategies for psychological intervention in the school contexts. A systematic literature review was performed, in which a sample of studies was set up in the scope of definition, evaluation and intervention in LD. In a first phase, it was intended to identify and analyze the concepts and methods indicated by relevant profesional and scientific associations and authors. In the second phasewe focused on the studies that showed effectiveness in the intervention. The corpus on which our sample was based is composed of empirical studies and literature reviews between 1990 and 2015. We have found and categorized 41 works, which were analyzed in order to answer our research questions. The results revealed aspects that comprise LD in the following ways: as an essentially psychological problem; as a cognitive, psychosocial and socioeconomic problem; as a political issue of the institution, including regardingteachers and the absence of adapted curricula; as a family issue. In the psychological evaluation sphere, the results were focused on the following domains: self-perception; adaptation; discrepancies of failure; self-efficacy; self-concept; behaviors; school performance (reading, writing and calculation); memory; metalinguistic skills; psychomotricity; and comparison between the three most frequent diagnoses LD, Specific Difficulties- SD and Attention Deficit Disorder with HiperactivityADDH. Preventive and remediative interventions focus mainly on learning strategies, self - concept and self - regulation, on the implications of understanding morphology and literacy, and implications of understanding morphology, speech therapy, and literacy.
The importance of psychological intervention in the school context motivated us to a study aiming at identifying effective strategies to support students with Learning Disabilities (LD), namely through the role of school psychologists. This study presents an investigation of the state of the art of research on LD, their evaluation and intervention in the school context.This research aimed at understanding the concept of LD and identifying evidence-based strategies for psychological intervention in the school contexts. A systematic literature review was performed, in which a sample of studies was set up in the scope of definition, evaluation and intervention in LD. In a first phase, it was intended to identify and analyze the concepts and methods indicated by relevant profesional and scientific associations and authors. In the second phasewe focused on the studies that showed effectiveness in the intervention. The corpus on which our sample was based is composed of empirical studies and literature reviews between 1990 and 2015. We have found and categorized 41 works, which were analyzed in order to answer our research questions. The results revealed aspects that comprise LD in the following ways: as an essentially psychological problem; as a cognitive, psychosocial and socioeconomic problem; as a political issue of the institution, including regardingteachers and the absence of adapted curricula; as a family issue. In the psychological evaluation sphere, the results were focused on the following domains: self-perception; adaptation; discrepancies of failure; self-efficacy; self-concept; behaviors; school performance (reading, writing and calculation); memory; metalinguistic skills; psychomotricity; and comparison between the three most frequent diagnoses LD, Specific Difficulties- SD and Attention Deficit Disorder with HiperactivityADDH. Preventive and remediative interventions focus mainly on learning strategies, self - concept and self - regulation, on the implications of understanding morphology and literacy, and implications of understanding morphology, speech therapy, and literacy.
Dificuldades de aprendizagem Avaliação psicológica Intervenção psicológica em contexto escolar Learning disabilities Psychological evaluation Effectiveness of psychological intervention in the school context Psicologia da Educação . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades