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O presente relatório de estágio surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Educação
Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, como parte integrante da Unidade Curricular
denominada de Estágio Pedagógico e pretende refletir o trabalho desenvolvido durante o ano
letivo, sendo o culminar do nosso processo de formação enquanto futuros docentes da disciplina
de Educação Física.
O documento apresenta como principais objetivos a apresentação sistemática de todos os
conteúdos relacionados com o processo de diagnóstico, prescrição e controlo durante a nossa
prática pedagógica enquanto professores estagiários, com justificação das tomadas de decisão e
reflexão dos resultados alcançados no ano letivo de 2020/2021.
Este estágio pedagógico carateriza-se por ser exigente, trabalhoso e com muita dedicação
ao processo, exigindo uma grande capacidade de trabalho, para promover ao máximo situações
enriquecedoras não só para os alunos, mas também para os professores estagiários. É necessária
uma grande capacidade de reflexão crítica sobre o processo. Por estes motivos, é essencial referir
que este estágio pedagógico é rico nas diversas experiências, por refletir toda a nossa evolução
ao longo do ano letivo.
Por estes motivos, o relatório de estágio reflete toda a nossa evolução na prática docente
ao longo do estágio pedagógico. Foram exploradas e desenvolvidas um conjunto de atividades,
onde destacamos: (1) Prática Letiva; (2) Atividades de Intervenção na Comunidade Escolar (3)
Atividades de Integração no Meio e (4) Atividades de Natureza Científico-Pedagógica, como
sendo as atividades que mais importância tiveram na nossa formação docente.
Como professores de Educação Física, tivemos a oportunidade de ter a nossa primeira
experiência num contexto real, aprender e explorar diferentes metodologias e estratégias de
ensino. O professor estagiário convive com diversas realidades, o que permitiu participar de
forma ativa em todas as atividades com o intuito de atingir os objetivos definidos na Unidade
Curricular da iniciação à Prática Profissional.
This internship report comes within the scope of the Master's Degree in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education, as an integral part of the Curricular Unit called Pedagogical Internship, and intends to reflect the work developed during the school year, being the culmination of our process of training as future teachers of the discipline of Physical Education. The document has as its main objectives the systematic presentation of all content related to the process of diagnosis, prescription and control during our pedagogical practice as trainee teachers, with justification for decision-making and reflection on the results achieved in the 2020/2021 school year . This pedagogical internship is characterized by being demanding, laborious and with a lot of dedication to the process, requiring a great capacity for work, to promote enriching situations to the maximum not only for the students, but also for the intern teachers. A great capacity for critical reflection on the process is needed. For these reasons, it is essential to mention that this pedagogical internship is rich in different experiences, as it reflects our entire evolution throughout the school year. For these reasons, the internship report reflects our entire evolution in teaching practice throughout the pedagogical internship. A set of activities were explored and developed, including: (1) Teaching Practice; (2) Intervention Activities in the School Community (3) Integration Activities in the Environment and (4) Scientific-Pedagogical Activities, being the most important activities in our teacher education. As Physical Education teachers, we had the opportunity to have our first experience in a real context, to learn and explore different teaching methodologies and strategies. Therefore, the intern teacher lives with different realities, allowing them to actively participate in all activities in order to achieve the objectives defined in the Course Unit from initiation to Professional Practice.
This internship report comes within the scope of the Master's Degree in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education, as an integral part of the Curricular Unit called Pedagogical Internship, and intends to reflect the work developed during the school year, being the culmination of our process of training as future teachers of the discipline of Physical Education. The document has as its main objectives the systematic presentation of all content related to the process of diagnosis, prescription and control during our pedagogical practice as trainee teachers, with justification for decision-making and reflection on the results achieved in the 2020/2021 school year . This pedagogical internship is characterized by being demanding, laborious and with a lot of dedication to the process, requiring a great capacity for work, to promote enriching situations to the maximum not only for the students, but also for the intern teachers. A great capacity for critical reflection on the process is needed. For these reasons, it is essential to mention that this pedagogical internship is rich in different experiences, as it reflects our entire evolution throughout the school year. For these reasons, the internship report reflects our entire evolution in teaching practice throughout the pedagogical internship. A set of activities were explored and developed, including: (1) Teaching Practice; (2) Intervention Activities in the School Community (3) Integration Activities in the Environment and (4) Scientific-Pedagogical Activities, being the most important activities in our teacher education. As Physical Education teachers, we had the opportunity to have our first experience in a real context, to learn and explore different teaching methodologies and strategies. Therefore, the intern teacher lives with different realities, allowing them to actively participate in all activities in order to achieve the objectives defined in the Course Unit from initiation to Professional Practice.
Estágio pedagógico Educação física Prática docente Processo de ensino-aprendizagem Pedagogical internship Physical education Teaching practice Teaching-learning process Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais