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Watt-I-see: design and evaluation of an interactive installation using eco-feedforward strategies

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In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of Watt-I-See (WISE), a tangible interactive installation aimed at probing awareness in two target audiences (children and adults) about renew able energy resources that could inform eco-feedforward strategies. Our system combines a tan gible interface representing five different energy sources, with a set of Lego™ blocks used to manipulate different weather conditions that affect the available energy mix. Through the evalu ation of WISE, our main goal was to expose users to the effort necessary to produce the energy used in our day-to-day lives. We evaluated the installation separately for children and adults. The focus on children was due to their importance in the overall household consumption and their role in future scenarios where consumers will have to adapt to the availability of renewable energy sources. The focus on adults was to observe the impact of such information in their decision mak ing regarding their routines. Our findings highlight the success of the interface in engaging chil dren and adults, creating awareness between weather conditions and energy production and the fossil-fuel energy baseline in the grid. Overall, the study highlights the importance of providing a close point-of-interaction feedback as it enables a better understanding of energy-related decisions, reactions, and availability of resources.



User studies Tangible interaction Visualization Visualization techniques Novel interaction devices . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia


Quintal, F., Barreto, M., Jorge, C., Nisi, V., & Nunes, N. J. (2018). Watt-I-see: design and evaluation of an interactive installation using eco-feedforward strategies. Interacting with Computers, 30(1), 31-45.

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Oxford University Press

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