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Pretende-se analisar a presença homérica na Alexíada de Ana Comnena,
em particular o retrato literário de Aleixo, que começa por ser apresentado como
Héracles nas vitórias contra os rebeldes Ursélio, Nicéforo Briénio e Basilácio,
antes da ascensão ao trono imperial. Após a sua proclamação como imperador
dos Romanos, a historiadora faz do pai um herói astuto, qual Ulisses, a procurar
defender a nau do império contra os sucessivos ataques do normando Roberto
Guiscardo, que se comporta como o Aquiles homérico.
I intend to analyze the Homeric presence in Anna Komnene’s Alexiad, particularly the literary portrait of Alexios, who is first presented as Herakles in the victories against the rebels Roussel, Nikephoros Bryennios and Basilakios, before his accession to the imperial throne. After being proclaimed emperor of the Romans, the historian makes his father a wily hero, like Odysseus, seeking to defend the empire’s ship against the successive attacks by the Norman Robert Guiscard, who is shown behaving like the Homeric Achilles.
I intend to analyze the Homeric presence in Anna Komnene’s Alexiad, particularly the literary portrait of Alexios, who is first presented as Herakles in the victories against the rebels Roussel, Nikephoros Bryennios and Basilakios, before his accession to the imperial throne. After being proclaimed emperor of the Romans, the historian makes his father a wily hero, like Odysseus, seeking to defend the empire’s ship against the successive attacks by the Norman Robert Guiscard, who is shown behaving like the Homeric Achilles.
Alexíada Aleixo I Comneno Historiografia bizantina Tradição épica Modelo homérico Alexiad Alexios I Komnenos Byzantine historiography Epic tradition Homeric model . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Fonseca, R. C. (2021). A Alexíada de Ana Comnena e a tradição épica antiga: o retrato literário de Aleixo i Comneno entre a força de Héracles e o engenho de Ulisses. Byzantion nea hellás, (40), 127-140.