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Com o envelhecimento da população, é cada vez mais comum encontrar pessoas com
demência. A demência é caracterizada pela perda de habilidades emocionais e
cognitivas. Nesta dissertação, propomos um novo sistema para estimulação cognitiva
através de jogos, o MentalSense, onde pessoas em estado demencial podem realizar
alguns exercícios cognitivos para cuidar de um animal de estimação, trabalhando no
mínimo cinco domínios cognitivos: atenção, memória episódica, raciocínio lógico,
pensamento abstrato e funções executivas. O jogo está implementado em tablet para
poder ser usado em diversos lugares e situações. Foram realizados diversos estudos,
desde questionários online e entrevistas a cuidadores formais e informais, e seguiu-se
um design participativo com psicólogo e psicomotricista, onde obtivemos informação
sobre as necessidades desta população e de quem presta cuidados a estes. Realizámos
um estudo piloto, o qual culminou em sugestões para o melhoramento da aplicação
final. O protótipo final foi testado através de um estudo de caso com dois participantes
acompanhados por um psicólogo, que realizaram várias sessões com o MentalSense,
com resultados positivos.
As the population ages, it is increasingly common to find people with dementia. Dementia is characterized by the loss of emotional and cognitive abilities. In this dissertation, we propose a new system for cognitive stimulation through games, MentalSense, where people with dementia can perform some cognitive exercises to take care of a pet, working on at least five cognitive domains: attention, episodic memory, logical reasoning, abstract thinking and executive functions. The game is implemented on a tablet so it can be used in different places and situations. Several studies were carried out, from online questionnaires and interviews with formal and informal caregivers, and a participatory design with a psychologist and psychometrician was followed, where we obtained information about the needs of this population and those who provide care to them. We carried out a pilot study, which culminated in suggestions for improving the final application. The final prototype was tested through a case study with two participants accompanied by a psychologist, who carried out several sessions with MentalSense, with positive results.
As the population ages, it is increasingly common to find people with dementia. Dementia is characterized by the loss of emotional and cognitive abilities. In this dissertation, we propose a new system for cognitive stimulation through games, MentalSense, where people with dementia can perform some cognitive exercises to take care of a pet, working on at least five cognitive domains: attention, episodic memory, logical reasoning, abstract thinking and executive functions. The game is implemented on a tablet so it can be used in different places and situations. Several studies were carried out, from online questionnaires and interviews with formal and informal caregivers, and a participatory design with a psychologist and psychometrician was followed, where we obtained information about the needs of this population and those who provide care to them. We carried out a pilot study, which culminated in suggestions for improving the final application. The final prototype was tested through a case study with two participants accompanied by a psychologist, who carried out several sessions with MentalSense, with positive results.
Tecnologia Estimulação cognitiva Demência Jogo Aplicação de tablet Technology Cognitive stimulation Dementia Game Tablet application . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia