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Os projetos de digitalização do ensino estão progressivamente a integrar-se nas escolas,
quer a nível nacional como a nível internacional. A digitalização do ensino é uma forma
complementar de aprendizagem com recurso à tecnologia, que adiciona novas formas de
aquisição de conhecimento aos métodos do ensino convencional. Em 2019, na Região
Autónoma da Madeira (RAM) surgiu uma iniciativa de cariz tecnológico designada
Projeto Manuais Digitais na qual os alunos, através de tablets, acedem aos manuais
escolares e a uma plataforma de ensino-aprendizagem. O bom funcionamento deste
projeto depende de redes de comunicação que garantam uma boa qualidade de serviço no
acesso dos dispositivos aos conteúdos pedagógicos e a outros recursos didáticos de caráter
A principal contribuição deste projeto de mestrado é a proposta de um processo claro,
preciso e completo, para auxiliar as escolas na análise, planeamento e implementação de
redes de comunicação que suportem o Projeto dos Manuais Digitais, com foco nas suas
Redes de Área Local Sem Fios (sigla do inglês Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN).
O processo foi criado tendo em conta a realidade das escolas da RAM, direcionado na
avaliação das capacidades necessárias ao suporte dos utilizadores, das aplicações e nas
questões de gestão, manutenção, segurança e desempenho.
Para a validação do processo proposto, este foi comparado com a metodologia de
planeamento e projeto de redes informáticas apresentada pelo Edmundo Monteiro e
Fernando Boa Vida [7], além disso, foi ainda aplicado como caso de estudo numa escola
da RAM. A análise comparativa com esta metodologia revelou que o processo proposto
possui as fases que são típicas numa metodologia de planeamento e projeto. Os resultados
obtidos com a sua aplicação prática demonstraram que o mesmo é adequado para o
planeamento destas redes, tendo em consideração as características físicas das escolas da
RAM e dos seus recursos humanos, permitindo a estas um guia simplificado para um
processo complexo e, assim, economizar tempo e recursos.
The digitalization of education projects are progressively being integrated into schools, both nationally and internationally. The digitization of education is a complementary form of learning using technology, which adds new ways of acquiring knowledge to conventional teaching methods. In 2019, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (sigla do português Região Autónoma da Madeira, RAM), a technological initiative named Digital Manuals Project emerged, in which students, using tablets, access school textbooks and a teaching-learning platform. The proper functioning of this project depends on communication networks that guarantee a good quality of service in the access of the devices to the pedagogical contents and other didactic resources of digital character. The main contribution of this master project is the proposal of a clear, precise and complete process, to assist schools in the analysis, planning and implementation of communication networks that support the Digital Manuals Project, focusing on their Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). The process was created taking into account the reality of RAM schools, aiming to access the necessary capacities to support users, applications and management, maintenance, security and performance issues. For the validation of the proposed process, it was compared with the methodology of planning and design of computer networks presented by Edmundo Monteiro and Fernando Boa Vida [7], moreover, was also applied as a case study in a RAM school. The comparative analysis using this methodology revealed that the proposed process has the phases that are typical in a planning and project methodology. The results obtained with the practical application of the process showed that it is suitable for the planning of these networks, taking into account the physical characteristics of the RAM schools and their human resources, allowing them a simplified guide to a complex process and, thus, save time and resources.
The digitalization of education projects are progressively being integrated into schools, both nationally and internationally. The digitization of education is a complementary form of learning using technology, which adds new ways of acquiring knowledge to conventional teaching methods. In 2019, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (sigla do português Região Autónoma da Madeira, RAM), a technological initiative named Digital Manuals Project emerged, in which students, using tablets, access school textbooks and a teaching-learning platform. The proper functioning of this project depends on communication networks that guarantee a good quality of service in the access of the devices to the pedagogical contents and other didactic resources of digital character. The main contribution of this master project is the proposal of a clear, precise and complete process, to assist schools in the analysis, planning and implementation of communication networks that support the Digital Manuals Project, focusing on their Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). The process was created taking into account the reality of RAM schools, aiming to access the necessary capacities to support users, applications and management, maintenance, security and performance issues. For the validation of the proposed process, it was compared with the methodology of planning and design of computer networks presented by Edmundo Monteiro and Fernando Boa Vida [7], moreover, was also applied as a case study in a RAM school. The comparative analysis using this methodology revealed that the proposed process has the phases that are typical in a planning and project methodology. The results obtained with the practical application of the process showed that it is suitable for the planning of these networks, taking into account the physical characteristics of the RAM schools and their human resources, allowing them a simplified guide to a complex process and, thus, save time and resources.
Digitalização do ensino Projeto dos manuais digitais Projeto de redes de comunicação Redes Wi-Fi Digitalization of education Digital manuals project Communication networks design Wi-Fi networks Engenharia Informática . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia