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Este relatório de projeto debruça-se sobre o desenvolvimento de um módulo de agregação de prefer ências para um sistema de recomendação de grupo integrado no projeto Knowledge-Based Artificial
Intelligence (KBAI). O projeto KBAI tem como objetivo criar uma ferramenta prática para in teração com uma base de conhecimento dinâmica e colaborativa, bem como para o processamento
racional de conhecimento. O sistema será baseado numa base de conhecimento e tem como objetivo
desenvolver uma plataforma que permita a gestão de quantidades consideráveis de conhecimento.
As bases de conhecimento constituem uma forma de representação do conhecimento que, com o
auxílio de chatbots, perfis dinâmicos e agregação de preferências, permite a construção de poderosos
sistemas de recomendação. Para este efeito, será feita uma pesquisa teórica que combine o conhec imento académico e científico das instituições de investigação com a experiência empresarial e de
desenvolvimento das equipas de profissionais que integram o projeto. Para além disso, será descrito
o desenvolvimento do software destinado à agregação de preferências, desde a sua prototipagem
até à versão mais recente à data da redação deste documento.
This project report will delve into the development of a preference aggregation module for a group recommendation system integrated into the Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence (KBAI) project. The KBAI project aims to create an interactive tool for engaging with a dynamic and collaborative knowledge base, as well as for the rational processing of accumulated knowledge. This system will be based on a knowledge base and it aims to develop a platform that allows for the management of large amounts of knowledge. Knowledge bases constitute a way of representing knowledge which, with the aid of chatbots, dynamic profiling and preference aggregation, allows for the builing of powerful recommendation systems. In order to achieve this, theoretical research will be made so as to combine both academic and scientific knowledge from investigation institu tions with the business and development experience from the professionals teams integrating the project. Furthermore, the development of the software destined for aggregating preferences will be described, from its prototyping to the latest version as of the writing of this document.
This project report will delve into the development of a preference aggregation module for a group recommendation system integrated into the Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence (KBAI) project. The KBAI project aims to create an interactive tool for engaging with a dynamic and collaborative knowledge base, as well as for the rational processing of accumulated knowledge. This system will be based on a knowledge base and it aims to develop a platform that allows for the management of large amounts of knowledge. Knowledge bases constitute a way of representing knowledge which, with the aid of chatbots, dynamic profiling and preference aggregation, allows for the builing of powerful recommendation systems. In order to achieve this, theoretical research will be made so as to combine both academic and scientific knowledge from investigation institu tions with the business and development experience from the professionals teams integrating the project. Furthermore, the development of the software destined for aggregating preferences will be described, from its prototyping to the latest version as of the writing of this document.
Base de conhecimento Escolha social Agregação de preferências Knowledge base Social choice Preference aggregation Informatics Engineering . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia