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A Educação Global para a Cidadania (Global Citizenship
Education - GCED) é uma das áreas estratégicas do Programa
do Setor Educacional da UNESCO para o período 2014-2021.
Deste modo, conferiu-se à educação a responsabilidade pela
construção de um mundo pacífico e sustentável, onde os
conhecimentos, habilidades, valores, atitudes e
comportamentos que veicula, permitem aos indivíduos
tomar decisões informadas e assumirem papéis ativos a
nível local, nacional e mundial. O International Civic and
Citizenship Education Study: 2016 (ICCS) permitiu conhecer
os resultados do investimento em GCED, em 24 países,
relativamente aos alunos, tomando como indicadores os
seus níveis de conhecimento cívico, as suas perceções acerca
desta temática, bem como os seus comportamentos e
práticas cívicas. A presença da GCED nos contextos
educativos, leva-nos também a refletir sobre o seu estatuto
e caraterísticas intrínsecas pois a complexidade da sua
abordagem, requer profissionais com capacidade de analisar problemáticas cuja resolução pressupõe um
posicionamento face às práticas de referência, assim como a sua articulação com os pressupostos éticos e
políticos em vigor. Por isso, a preocupação e a necessidade de formação de professores em GCED levou-nos
também a questionar o modo como esta decorre, nos quatro países da América Latina- Colômbia, Chile,
México e Peru – que integraram o International Civic and Citizenship Education Study: 2016.
The Global Citizenship Education (GCED) is one of the strategic areas of the UNESCO Educational Sector Program for the period 2014-2021. In this way, education has been given responsibility for building a peaceful and sustainable world where the knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and behaviors that it conveys enable individuals to make informed decisions and take active roles at local, national and global levels. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study: 2016 (ICCS) allowed to know the results of the investment in GCED, in 24 countries, regarding the students, taking as indicators their levels of civic knowledge, their perceptions about this subject, as well as their behaviors and civic practices. The presence of GCED in educational contexts also leads us to reflect on its status and intrinsic characteristics because the complexity of its approach requires professionals with the capacity to analyze problems whose resolution presupposes a positioning against reference practices, as well as their articulation with current ethical and political assumptions. The need for teacher training in GCED has made us question how it occurs in the four countries of Latin America - Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru - that integrated the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study: 2016.
The Global Citizenship Education (GCED) is one of the strategic areas of the UNESCO Educational Sector Program for the period 2014-2021. In this way, education has been given responsibility for building a peaceful and sustainable world where the knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and behaviors that it conveys enable individuals to make informed decisions and take active roles at local, national and global levels. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study: 2016 (ICCS) allowed to know the results of the investment in GCED, in 24 countries, regarding the students, taking as indicators their levels of civic knowledge, their perceptions about this subject, as well as their behaviors and civic practices. The presence of GCED in educational contexts also leads us to reflect on its status and intrinsic characteristics because the complexity of its approach requires professionals with the capacity to analyze problems whose resolution presupposes a positioning against reference practices, as well as their articulation with current ethical and political assumptions. The need for teacher training in GCED has made us question how it occurs in the four countries of Latin America - Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru - that integrated the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study: 2016.
Formação de professores Educação para a cidadania UNESCO Educação comparada Colômbia Chile México Peru Teacher training Education for citizenship Comparative education . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Mendonça, A. M. (2019). Formação De Professores Em Educação Global Para A Cidadania Em Quatro Países Da América Latina: Colômbia, Chile, México E Peru. Científic@-Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 104-112.
Associação Educativa Evangélica