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Cólera e carnaval em Porto Alegre (RS/Brasil) na segunda metade do século XIX

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7RPDQGR D GRHQ©D FRPR REMHWR GH SHVTXLVD H YLVDQGR GLVFXWLU D LQҋX¬QFLD GDV SHVWHV H epidemias nas práticas culturais, o presente artigo apresenta um estudo relativo às doen- ©DV H VXDV GLPHQV·HV VRFLRFXOWXUDLV 1RVVR REMHWLYR « LQYHVWLJDU R VXUWR GH FµOHUD TXH DVVRORX D FLGDGH GH 3RUWR $OHJUH 56 %UDVLO HP ҈QV GH H VXDV FRQVHTX¬QFLDV QD forma da população celebrar o carnaval. A partir da análise de fontes como Relatórios dos Presidentes da Província, Código de Posturas Municipais, Termos de Vereança, além de MRUQDLV H IRQWHV ELEOLRJU£҈FDV LQGLFDPRV TXH HPERUD D HSLGHPLD GH FµOHUD WHQKD H[HU cido um grande impacto sobre as sensibilidades individuais e coletivas, parece não ter tido ancoragem no sistema de representação social, facilitando a manutenção de antigas formas de celebração do carnaval, após superado o trauma da experiência epidêmica.
+DYLQJ GH҈QHG GLVHDVH DV D UHVHDUFK REMHFW DQG DLPLQJ WR GLVFXVV WKH LQҋXHQFH RI SODJXHV and epidemics on cultural practices, this article presents a study on diseases and their VRFLRFXOWXUDO GLPHQVLRQV 2XU REMHFWLYH LV WR LQYHVWLJDWH WKH FKROHUD RXWEUHDN WKDW GHYDV tated the city of Porto Alegre (RS/Brazil) in late 1855, and its consequences on the way the population celebrated the carnival. Based on the analysis of sources such as Reports of the Presidents of the Province, Code of Municipal Postures, Terms of Council, as well as newspapers and bibliographical sources, we can see that, although the cholera epidemic had a great impact on individual and collective sensibilities, it does not seem to have had an anchorage in the social representation system, facilitating the maintenance of old IRUPV RI FHOHEUDWLQJ FDUQLYDO DҌHU RYHUFRPLQJ WKH WUDXPD RI WKH HSLGHPLF H[SHULHQFH .



Epidemias Cólera Manifestações culturais Carnaval Entrudo Porto Alegre (Brasil) Epidemics Cholera Cultural events Carnival Shrovetide . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades


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