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O presente relatório de estágio do Mestrado em Linguística: Sociedades e Culturas
é o resultado do trabalho realizado durante mais de 640 horas, na Secretaria Regional de
Ambiente, Recursos Naturais e Alterações Climáticas (SRAAC), tendo como objetivo
contribuir para o processo de candidatura das Levadas da Madeira à classificação de
Património Cultural da Humanidade pela UNESCO. Deste modo, o trabalho consistiu
numa extensa revisão da literatura sobre o estado da arte ou conhecimento sobre as
levadas, na pesquisa e consulta de documentação sobre os critérios a satisfazer para a
classificação de um bem cultural como património mundial, seguindo-se a pesquisa e
consulta de documentação dispersa e variada sobre canais de irrigação similares
existentes nos outros arquipélagos da Macaronésia (Açores, Canárias e Cabo Verde), no
norte de Portugal, na Suíça (les bisses du Valais) e em Omã (os sistemas de irrigação
aflaj, já classificados pela UNESCO). Este estudo resultou na sistematização da
informação, de forma sintética e estruturada, sobre os seus aspetos fundamentais, como
contributo para o desenvolvimento do estudo comparativo a apresentar na candidatura
das levadas da Madeira a Património da Humanidade, com vista a determinar a sua
especificidade e autenticidade enquanto património cultural, em relação às estruturas
hidráulicas dos outros territórios.
Compreende também o trabalho de investigação efetuado para o levantamento de
vocabulário, termos e expressões, em documentação escrita, digital e audiovisual,
resultando na construção do glossário temático associado às levadas da ilha da Madeira.
A partir deste, foi elaborado um questionário onomasiológico (partindo dos conceitos
para recolher os termos), aplicado a levadeiros, de modo a obter a documentação oral
incluída no glossário, complementando os outros tipos de documentação e enriquecendo o com novos conceitos, termos e expressões, assim como com variantes sinonímicas e de
significado (polissemia). No glossário, destaca-se ainda a documentação lexicográfica
consultada e sistematizada, que permitiu conhecer a origem etimológica das palavras,
através da consulta do Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, e confirmar alguns
significados dos termos atestados (quando se encontram dicionarizados) no Dicionário
da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, mas
principalmente em vocabulários madeirenses.
Os resultados obtidos na parte do estudo comparativo das levadas, nos diferentes
territórios pesquisados, revelam a existência de similaridades entre alguns desses sistemas de irrigação, porém as levadas da ilha da Madeira destacam-se pela sua
multifuncionalidade atual, densidade e complexidade, que constitui um património
cultural material único da região. Este é indissociável do património cultural imaterial,
sociocultural e linguístico madeirense, ou seja, dos termos e expressões associados às
levadas da Madeira, registados no glossário, incluindo variantes fonéticas,
morfossintáticas e geográficas das palavras, assim como a indicação da ocorrência de
sinonímia e de polissemia. A grande quantidade e diversidade dos vocábulos
sistematizados, sobretudo palavras compostas e derivadas, mas também palavras simples
e expressões, mostram bem as especificidades das múltiplas funções das levadas da
Madeira e o seu valor único excecional.
This internship report of the Master in Linguistics: Societies and Cultures is the result of the work carried out for more than 640 hours, at the Regional Secretariat for the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change (SRAAC), with the objective of contributing to the application process from levadas of Madeira to the classification of Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. In this way, the work consisted of an extensive review of the literature on the state of the art or knowledge about the levadas, in the search and consultation of documentation on the criteria to be met for the classification of a cultural asset as a world heritage, followed by research and consultation of dispersed and varied documentation on similar irrigation channels existing in Macaronesia (Azores, Canaries and Cape Verde), in the north of Portugal, in Switzerland (“les bisses du Valais”) and in Oman (the “aflaj” irrigation systems, already classified by UNESCO). This study resulted in the systematization of information, in a synthetic and structured way, about its fundamental aspects, as a contribution to the development of the comparative study to be presented in the candidacy of the levadas of Madeira as a World Heritage Site, to determine its specificity and authenticity as heritage and cultural landscape, in relation to the hydraulic structures of other territories. It also includes the research work carried out to survey vocabulary, terms and expressions, in written, digital and audiovisual documentation, resulting in the construction of the thematic glossary associated with the levadas on the island of Madeira. From this, an onomasiological questionnaire (starting from the concepts to collect the terms) was elaborated, applied to levadeiros, to obtain the oral documentation included in the glossary, complementing the other types of documentation, and enriching it with new ones: concepts, terms, and expressions, as well as synonymic and meaningful variants (polysemy). In the glossary, the consulted and systematized lexicographic documentation also stands out, allowing to know the etymological origin of the words, through the consultation of the Houaiss Dictionary of the Portuguese Language, and to confirm some meanings of the attested terms (when they are dictionaried) in the Contemporary Portuguese Language Dictionary of the Lisbon Science Academy but mainly in Madeiran vocabularies. The results obtained in the part of the comparative study of the levadas, in the different territories surveyed, reveal the existence of similarities between some of these irrigation systems, but the levadas of Madeira stand out for their current multifunctionality, density and complexity, which constitutes a unique cultural heritage of the region. This is inseparable from the intangible cultural and linguistic heritage of Madeira, that is, the terms and expressions associated with the levadas on the island of Madeira, recorded in the glossary, including phonetic, morphosyntactic and geographic variants of the words, as well as the indication of the occurrence of synonymy and polysemy. The large quantity and diversity of the systematized words in the glossary, especially compound terms and derivatives but also simple terms and expressions, show the specificities of the multiple functions of the levadas of Madeira and their unique exceptional value.
This internship report of the Master in Linguistics: Societies and Cultures is the result of the work carried out for more than 640 hours, at the Regional Secretariat for the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change (SRAAC), with the objective of contributing to the application process from levadas of Madeira to the classification of Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. In this way, the work consisted of an extensive review of the literature on the state of the art or knowledge about the levadas, in the search and consultation of documentation on the criteria to be met for the classification of a cultural asset as a world heritage, followed by research and consultation of dispersed and varied documentation on similar irrigation channels existing in Macaronesia (Azores, Canaries and Cape Verde), in the north of Portugal, in Switzerland (“les bisses du Valais”) and in Oman (the “aflaj” irrigation systems, already classified by UNESCO). This study resulted in the systematization of information, in a synthetic and structured way, about its fundamental aspects, as a contribution to the development of the comparative study to be presented in the candidacy of the levadas of Madeira as a World Heritage Site, to determine its specificity and authenticity as heritage and cultural landscape, in relation to the hydraulic structures of other territories. It also includes the research work carried out to survey vocabulary, terms and expressions, in written, digital and audiovisual documentation, resulting in the construction of the thematic glossary associated with the levadas on the island of Madeira. From this, an onomasiological questionnaire (starting from the concepts to collect the terms) was elaborated, applied to levadeiros, to obtain the oral documentation included in the glossary, complementing the other types of documentation, and enriching it with new ones: concepts, terms, and expressions, as well as synonymic and meaningful variants (polysemy). In the glossary, the consulted and systematized lexicographic documentation also stands out, allowing to know the etymological origin of the words, through the consultation of the Houaiss Dictionary of the Portuguese Language, and to confirm some meanings of the attested terms (when they are dictionaried) in the Contemporary Portuguese Language Dictionary of the Lisbon Science Academy but mainly in Madeiran vocabularies. The results obtained in the part of the comparative study of the levadas, in the different territories surveyed, reveal the existence of similarities between some of these irrigation systems, but the levadas of Madeira stand out for their current multifunctionality, density and complexity, which constitutes a unique cultural heritage of the region. This is inseparable from the intangible cultural and linguistic heritage of Madeira, that is, the terms and expressions associated with the levadas on the island of Madeira, recorded in the glossary, including phonetic, morphosyntactic and geographic variants of the words, as well as the indication of the occurrence of synonymy and polysemy. The large quantity and diversity of the systematized words in the glossary, especially compound terms and derivatives but also simple terms and expressions, show the specificities of the multiple functions of the levadas of Madeira and their unique exceptional value.
Canais de irrigação Paisagem cultural Património material e imaterial Património linguístico Ilha da Madeira (Portugal) Arquipélago da Macaronésia Irrigation channels. Cultural heritage Linguistic heritage Thematic glossary Madeira Island (Portugal) Macaronesian archipelagos Linguística: Sociedades e Culturas . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades