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Os nossos antepassados comunicavam histórias através de tapeçarias, utilizando-as para adornar
espaços públicos e privados. Tradicionalmente, estas tapeçarias eram obras de arte estáticas pen duradas em paredes sem interação com o público. No entanto, os têxteis oferecem um meio versátil,
que pode ser criado a partir de vários materiais e cores e manipulado para produzir texturas únicas
e sensíveis ao tato. A nossa visão é integrar as capacidades táteis da tecelagem com a tecnologia
de sensores capacitivos para criar uma instalação artística interativa media imersiva que explore
o impacto negativo da poluição sonora nos ecossistemas marinhos. Os animais marinhos, partic ularmente os cetáceos, dependem fortemente do som para a comunicação, navegação e caça, e a
poluição sonora pode perturbar estas funções essenciais. Ao aproveitar o potencial narrativo das
tapeçarias e o poder dos sensores capacitivos conectados a microcontroladores, desenvolvemos uma
instalação artística única e imersiva que educa o público e quem tem o poder de tomar medi das sobre estas questões preocupantes. Os resultados qualitativos e quantitativos sugerem que o
Tapest[o]ry é uma ferramenta de interface tangível e eficiente para contar histórias interativas e
sensibilizar para a poluição sonora marinha.
Our ancestors communicated stories through tapestries, using them to adorn both public and private spaces. Traditionally, these tapestries were static artworks hanging on walls without inter acting with the audience. Nevertheless, textiles offer a versatile medium, which can be crafted from various materials and colours and manipulated to produce unique, touch-responsive textures. Our vision is to integrate the tactile capabilities of weaving with capacitive sensor technology to create a media-immersed interactive art installation that explores the negative impact of noise pollution on marine life ecosystems. Marine animals, particularly cetaceans, heavily rely on sound for com munication, navigation, and hunting, and noise pollution can disrupt these essential functions. By harnessing the storytelling potential of tapestries and the power of capacitive sensors connected to microcontrollers, we developed a unique and immersive art installation that educates the public and decision-makers about these pressing issues. Qualitative and quantitative results suggest that the Tapest[o]ry is an efficient tangible interface tool for interactive storytelling and awareness of marine noise pollution.
Our ancestors communicated stories through tapestries, using them to adorn both public and private spaces. Traditionally, these tapestries were static artworks hanging on walls without inter acting with the audience. Nevertheless, textiles offer a versatile medium, which can be crafted from various materials and colours and manipulated to produce unique, touch-responsive textures. Our vision is to integrate the tactile capabilities of weaving with capacitive sensor technology to create a media-immersed interactive art installation that explores the negative impact of noise pollution on marine life ecosystems. Marine animals, particularly cetaceans, heavily rely on sound for com munication, navigation, and hunting, and noise pollution can disrupt these essential functions. By harnessing the storytelling potential of tapestries and the power of capacitive sensors connected to microcontrollers, we developed a unique and immersive art installation that educates the public and decision-makers about these pressing issues. Qualitative and quantitative results suggest that the Tapest[o]ry is an efficient tangible interface tool for interactive storytelling and awareness of marine noise pollution.
Tapeçaria Instalações artísticas interativas Interfaces tangíveis Problemas na biodiversidade marinha Poluição sonora e-têxteis Tapestry Interactive art installations Tangible interfaces Marine biodiversity awareness Noise pollution e-textiles Interactive Media Design . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia