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O conceito burnout parental tem recebido grande atenção nos últimos anos, ainda mais
desde a pandemia mundial COVID-19 em que as rotinas e o estilo de vida das famílias
sofreram alterações. O burnout parental é uma síndrome que resulta da exposição
prolongada ao stress parental crónico que abrange três dimensões: o esgotamento ao
cuidar dos filhos, distanciamento emocional das crianças e baixa realização pessoal em
relação á paternidade.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar a prevalência de burnout parental
em pais, mães e cuidadores de adultos com necessidades especiais e a relação entre o
burnout parental e os fatores sociodemográficos e o funcionamento familiar.
Esta investigação possui uma amostra de 38 participantes, sendo que 24 são mães
(63,2%), 10 são pais (26,3%) e 4 são elementos da família (10,5%) que cuidam desse
adulto com necessidades especiais, em que a idade dos pais/cuidador variam entre os 20
e 82 anos e a maioria dos indivíduos encontram-se casado e vivem em famílias
O protocolo de avaliação inclui o Questionário Sociodemográfico, o Questionário de
Avaliação da Exaustão Parental – QAEP e o Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine
Evaluation - SCORE-15. Estes instrumentos foram aplicados durante um mês e meio, do
dia quinze de abril a vinte e cinco de maio, através de um formulário online desenvolvido
no Google Forms e em formato papel.
Os resultados indicaram a presença de burnout parental em duas mães e constatou-se
níveis mais elevados nas dimensões de saturação e distanciamento emocional. Foi
possível verificar também através dos resultados que existe uma correlação positiva
moderada entre os níveis de Burnout Parental dos pais/cuidadores de adultos com
necessidades especiais e os níveis de Funcionamento Familiar.
The concept of Parental Burnout has received a lot of attention from schoolar during the year, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which has changed the routines and lifestyle of families. Parental Burnout is a syndrome that results from overexposition to parenting stress which has three dimensions: exhaustion from children´s caring, emotional distancing and low personal achievement in relation to parenthood. This study has the main goal of analysing the prevalence of Parental Burnout in fathers, mothers and caregivers of adults with special needs, and the relation between Parental Burnout and sociodemographic factors and family functioning. This investigation has a sample of 38 participants, 24 are mothers (63,2%), 10 are fathers (26,3%), and 4 are other family members (10,5) who take care of an adult with special needs, where the age of the parents/caregiver varies between 20 and 82 years and most individuals are married and live in two-parent families. The evaluation protocol includes a sociodemographic questionnaire, Parental Exhaustion Assessment Questionnaire – QAEP and the Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation - SCORE-15. This instruments were apllied online using Google Forms, and in paper. The results indicated the presence of Parental Burnout in two mothers and higher levels of saturation and emotional distancing. It was possible to verify that there is a positive moderated correlation between the levels of Parental Burnout of the mothers/fathers and caregivers of adults with special needs and the levels of family functioning.
The concept of Parental Burnout has received a lot of attention from schoolar during the year, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which has changed the routines and lifestyle of families. Parental Burnout is a syndrome that results from overexposition to parenting stress which has three dimensions: exhaustion from children´s caring, emotional distancing and low personal achievement in relation to parenthood. This study has the main goal of analysing the prevalence of Parental Burnout in fathers, mothers and caregivers of adults with special needs, and the relation between Parental Burnout and sociodemographic factors and family functioning. This investigation has a sample of 38 participants, 24 are mothers (63,2%), 10 are fathers (26,3%), and 4 are other family members (10,5) who take care of an adult with special needs, where the age of the parents/caregiver varies between 20 and 82 years and most individuals are married and live in two-parent families. The evaluation protocol includes a sociodemographic questionnaire, Parental Exhaustion Assessment Questionnaire – QAEP and the Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation - SCORE-15. This instruments were apllied online using Google Forms, and in paper. The results indicated the presence of Parental Burnout in two mothers and higher levels of saturation and emotional distancing. It was possible to verify that there is a positive moderated correlation between the levels of Parental Burnout of the mothers/fathers and caregivers of adults with special needs and the levels of family functioning.
Burnout parental Pais/cuidadores de adultos com necessidades especiais Funcionamento familiar Parental burnout Caregivers, adults with special needs Family functioning Psicologia da Educação . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades