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O Rapazinho da Lombada” de Mariana Xavier da Silva é estudado nas aulas de Português da
Escola Básica e Secundária da Ponta do Sol (Madeira – Portugal) pelos alunos do 6º ano. Estes
não revelam ter muitas dificuldades em entender a versão adaptada daquele texto do século
XIX, que contém um vasto património lexical com inúmeras particularidades regionais e popu lares.
Dada esta experiência, procurámos compreender se muito do léxico presente naquele texto é
conhecido pela população, permanecendo actual. Neste sentido, seleccionaram-se 138 termos
organizados por ordem alfabética e, com eles, preparou-se um questionário que foi aplicado a
duas gerações da Lombada da Ponta do Sol (Arquipélago da Madeira): pais e filhos. Damos
conta dos resultados obtidos para os filhos (crianças de 5º ano) e respectivos encarregados de
educação (adultos) para entender a vitalidade de uma parte do nosso património linguístico.
"O Rapazinho da Lombada" by Mariana Xavier da Silva is studied in the Portuguese classes of Primary and Secondary School of Ponta do Sol (Madeira – Portugal) by students in the 6th gra de who do not show much difficulty in understanding the adapted version of that text from the 19th century, which contains a large lexical heritage with numerous regional and popular details. Based on the above mentioned situation, we tried to understand if the lexicon used in that text is known by the population and if it remains current. A total of 138 words organized in alpha betical order was prepared and, with it, a questionnaire was administered to two generations of the Lombada da Ponta do Sol (Madeira Archipelago): parents and children. We report on the results obtained for both the 5th grade children and their parents so that the vitality of some of our linguistic patrimony can be understood.
"O Rapazinho da Lombada" by Mariana Xavier da Silva is studied in the Portuguese classes of Primary and Secondary School of Ponta do Sol (Madeira – Portugal) by students in the 6th gra de who do not show much difficulty in understanding the adapted version of that text from the 19th century, which contains a large lexical heritage with numerous regional and popular details. Based on the above mentioned situation, we tried to understand if the lexicon used in that text is known by the population and if it remains current. A total of 138 words organized in alpha betical order was prepared and, with it, a questionnaire was administered to two generations of the Lombada da Ponta do Sol (Madeira Archipelago): parents and children. We report on the results obtained for both the 5th grade children and their parents so that the vitality of some of our linguistic patrimony can be understood.
Património linguístico Madeira (Portugal) Léxico Regionalismos e populismos Usos e desusos linguístico Ponta do Sol, Madeira (Portugal) . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Rebelo, H., & Gomes, N. (2014). Património linguístico: um estudo lexical na lombada da Ponta do Sol. Veredas: Revista da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, (21), 45-61.
Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas