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Da reflexão sobre maus tratos na pessoa idosa, propôs-se estudar as
características psicométricas do Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test,
validada nos EUA por Neale, Hwalek, Sengstock, Scott e Stahl (1990); analisar a
influência da capacidade funcional da pessoa idosa na percepção dos maus tratos,
através do Índice de Barthel; como também, analisar a influência da discriminação
social da pessoa idosa na percepção dos maus tratos, através do Ageism Survey.
Optou-se por uma investigação quantitativa do tipo transversal, exploratória e
descritiva. Amostra foi do tipo probabilística, estratificada por concelho e aleatória por
freguesias, constituída por 342 pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos;
conscientes e orientadas no tempo e no espaço, sem défice cognitivo, inscritas nos
centros de saúde da RAM e não institucionalizadas. A média de idade é de 74.59
anos e 69.9% pertencem ao género feminino.
Todas as correlações obtidas através do coeficiente de correlação r de
Pearson são estatisticamente significativas e positivas nas várias dimensões das
escalas dos maus tratos (H-S/EAST e QEEA). Pode afirmar-se que os idosos com
maior risco de abuso apresentam também indicadores de abuso físico, emocional,
negligência e abuso financeiro. No que diz respeito à capacidade funcional, observam
se correlações significativas e negativas com as situações potenciais de abuso e com
os indicadores de abuso físico e emocional, ou seja, esta variável tende a evoluir em
sentido oposto das restantes. Assim, os idosos mais dependentes percepcionam
níveis mais elevados de situações potenciais de abuso e de indicadores de abuso
físico e emocional. Pode concluir-se ainda, que relativamente à discriminação social
as correlações mais elevadas verificam-se quando os idosos percepcionam maior
risco de abuso directo, de situações potenciais de abuso e de indicadores de abuso
emocional. Contudo, verifica-se que são propensos a evidenciar mais experiências de
discriminação social relacionadas com a idade avançada, os idosos com maior
percepção de indicadores de abuso físico, financeiro e negligência.
Com estes resultados pretende-se contribuir para uma melhor compreensão
do fenómeno, e intervir de forma eficiente junto da pessoa idosa na prevenção,
intervenção e, se necessário, encaminhar para profissionais especializados na área.
In order to evaluate ill-treatments on the elderly, the psychometric characteristics by Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test, validated in the USA by Neale, Hwalek, Sengstock, Scott and Stahl (1990) were proposed to be studied; the influence of the functional capacity of the elderly and their perception of ill treatments through Barthel`s index was analysed, as well as the influence of social discrimination on the elderly and their perception of ill-treatments through the Ageism Survey. A quantitative investigation of transversal type, exploratory and descriptive was chosen. The sample was of a probabilistic type, stratified by councils and aleatory by towns, was composed by 342 people of 65 years of age and over; conscious and oriented in time and space, with no cognitive deficit, enrolled in local health centers of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and who were not institutionalised. The age range is of 74.59 years of which 69.9% are females. All correlations obtained through the correlative coefficient r by Pearson are statistically significant and positive in the various dimensions of scales of ill-treatments (H-S/EAST and QEEA). It can be affirmed that the elderly with a higher risk of abuse also present indicators of physical, emotional, negligence and financial abuse. Concerning the functional capacity, significant and negative correlations were observed with the potential situations of abuse and with the indicators of both physical and emotional abuse, that is, this variable tends to evolve in the opposite from the rest. Thus, the elderly who are more dependent perceive higher levels of situations which are potentially of abuse and of indicators of both physical and emotional abuse. It can be concluded that in relation to social discrimination the higher correlations can be verified when the elderly perceive a higher risk of direct abuse, of potential situations of abuse and of indicators of emotional abuse. Nevertheless, it was verified that the older they are, the more they are faced with social discrimination, a higher perception of physical abuse financial and negligence. The aim of these results is to contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon and to be able to intervene efficiently next to the elderly in the prevention, intervention and, if necessary, to lead the elderly to professionals specialised in this area.
In order to evaluate ill-treatments on the elderly, the psychometric characteristics by Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test, validated in the USA by Neale, Hwalek, Sengstock, Scott and Stahl (1990) were proposed to be studied; the influence of the functional capacity of the elderly and their perception of ill treatments through Barthel`s index was analysed, as well as the influence of social discrimination on the elderly and their perception of ill-treatments through the Ageism Survey. A quantitative investigation of transversal type, exploratory and descriptive was chosen. The sample was of a probabilistic type, stratified by councils and aleatory by towns, was composed by 342 people of 65 years of age and over; conscious and oriented in time and space, with no cognitive deficit, enrolled in local health centers of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and who were not institutionalised. The age range is of 74.59 years of which 69.9% are females. All correlations obtained through the correlative coefficient r by Pearson are statistically significant and positive in the various dimensions of scales of ill-treatments (H-S/EAST and QEEA). It can be affirmed that the elderly with a higher risk of abuse also present indicators of physical, emotional, negligence and financial abuse. Concerning the functional capacity, significant and negative correlations were observed with the potential situations of abuse and with the indicators of both physical and emotional abuse, that is, this variable tends to evolve in the opposite from the rest. Thus, the elderly who are more dependent perceive higher levels of situations which are potentially of abuse and of indicators of both physical and emotional abuse. It can be concluded that in relation to social discrimination the higher correlations can be verified when the elderly perceive a higher risk of direct abuse, of potential situations of abuse and of indicators of emotional abuse. Nevertheless, it was verified that the older they are, the more they are faced with social discrimination, a higher perception of physical abuse financial and negligence. The aim of these results is to contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon and to be able to intervene efficiently next to the elderly in the prevention, intervention and, if necessary, to lead the elderly to professionals specialised in this area.
Pessoa idosa Capacidade funcional Discriminação social e maus tratos The elderly Functional capacity Social discrimination and ill treatments Madeira (Portugal) Gerontologia - especialidade em Gerontologia Social . Escola Superior de Saúde