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Strategic competition and cooperation

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Competition is often regarded as the ultimate solution for market efficiency. In certain sectors, however, market imperfections together with scale and scope economies lead market participants to establish some sort of cooperation efforts in order to maximize the common benefit of the cooperating partners. We argue that this is increasingly the case with the air transport industry. One reason for founding an alliance is to allow its members to prepare themselves to be fit for competing in the global arena and to stay strong in order to protect the home turf. In this article we analyse the economic rationale behind strategic alliances in the air transport sector, namely emphasizing the individual contributions and collective benefits of airlines when merged within a specific alliance for cooperation purposes. The several possibilities of cooperation agreements between air carriers are also analysed, as well as some of their managerial implications. Finally, the implications for tourism and the prospective medium-term trends for the airline sector are also taken into consideration for the immediate future of this competitive market, notwithstanding the competitive pressures ahead, namely the ones stemming from IT innovation and increasing energy costs.



Tourism Air transport Competition Cooperation Strategic alliances . Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Gestão


Sarmento, M. & Teles, S. (2010). Strategic competition and cooperation. In Actas Proceedings 16º Congresso da APDR, Funchal (pp. 2600-2623). ISBN 978-989-96353-1-9

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