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Com o objetivo de sondar a noção de
experiência literária, trata-se de observar o modo
como António Aragão e Herberto Helder se dedicaram ao experimentalismo verbo-visual a partir
da organização dos dois números da Revista de
Poesia Experimental (1 e 2, publicadas respectivamente em 1964 e 1966). Trata-se de estabelecer
uma relação entre a experiência perceptiva e a experimentação criativa, a partir do vínculo estabelecido entre o discurso verbal e o discurso visual,
em que discussões sobre vida e obra participam
de uma discussão sobre autoria. Para tanto, importa verificar, no âmbito da Poesia Experimental
Portuguesa, questões subjacentes às noções de
experiência e de experimento.
This essay aims to probe the notion of literary experience, observing the way António Aragão and Herberto Helder dedicated themselves to verb-visual experimentalism through the organization of the two issues of the Revista de Poesia Experimental (1 and 2, published respectively in 1964 and 1966). It is, more specifically, establishing a relationship between perceptual experience and creative experimentation, based on the link established between verbal speech and visual speech, in which discussions about life and oeuvre participate in a discussion about authorship. Therefore, it is important to verify, within the scope of the Portuguese experimental poetry, the issues underlying the notions of experience and experiment.
This essay aims to probe the notion of literary experience, observing the way António Aragão and Herberto Helder dedicated themselves to verb-visual experimentalism through the organization of the two issues of the Revista de Poesia Experimental (1 and 2, published respectively in 1964 and 1966). It is, more specifically, establishing a relationship between perceptual experience and creative experimentation, based on the link established between verbal speech and visual speech, in which discussions about life and oeuvre participate in a discussion about authorship. Therefore, it is important to verify, within the scope of the Portuguese experimental poetry, the issues underlying the notions of experience and experiment.
PO.EX António Aragão Herberto Helder Experiência Experimento Experience Experiment . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades